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Heat localization and formation of secondary breakdown structure in semiconductor materials. III. Analysis of the one-dimensional model // Yu.P.Virchenko, A.A.Vodyanitskii | Article (PDF format) | 236 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Simulation of processes in optochemotronic emitter with electrodes modified by Langmuir-Blodgett technique // D.A.Vasyanovitch, Yu.T.Zholudov, N.N.Rozhitskii | Article (PDF format) | 241 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activator centers in Li6Gd(BO3)3:Ln (Ln = Ce, Eu) single crystals // M.F.Dubovik, O.V.Gayduk, B.V.Grynyov, T.I.Korshikova, A.V.Tolmachev, A.N.Shekhovtsov, R.P.Yavetskiy | Article (PDF format) | 247 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peculiarities of optical and structure characteristics of sapphire single crystals grown in Ar + CO atmosphere // A.Ya.Dan'ko, V.F.Tkachenko, N.S.Sidelnikova, V.M.Puzikov, S.V.Nizhankovskiy | Article (PDF format) | 251 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Influence of iodine impurity on photochemical and emission processes in CdBr2:Cu crystals // S.S.Novosad, I.S.Novosad | Article (PDF format) | 258 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dislocation distribution in ruby single crystals under loading at high temperatures // M.E.Bosin, I.F.Zvyagintseva, V.N.Zvyagintsev, F.F.Lavrentyev, V.N.Nikiforenko | Article (PDF format) | 264 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Piezoresistive properties of boron-doped silicon whiskers at cryogenic temperatures // A.A.Druzhinin, I.I.Maryamova, I.V.Pavlovskyy, T.Palewski | Article (PDF format) | 268 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Structure model of bistable current switching in CdS films // P.A.Panchekha, V.A.Novikov | Article (PDF format) | 273 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Development of ITO layers for high efficiency CdTe solar cells // G.S.Khrypunov | Article (PDF format) | 279 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some regularities of diamond phase formation at nonequilibrium transition process of C vapors with low Ti concentration into condensed state // V.I.Perekrestov, Yu.A.Kosminskaya, I.B.Yanchuk | Article (PDF format) | 284 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescent materials of red and green emission on the basis of calcium tungstate // S.B.Meshkova, Z.M.Topilova, V.P.Dotsenko, I.P.Kovalevskaya, A.V.Kiriyak | Article (PDF format) | 290 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Express determination of iron microimpurities in technological solutions for growing KH2PO4 single crystals by visual test method // T.I.Ivkova, R.P.Pantaler, A.B.Blank, E.A.Reshetnyak, Yu.Eu.Vakhovskaya | AArticle (PDF format) | 294 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Charge transport in electrochromic films of poly- | 300 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Light collection study in scintillation strips with wave length shifting light guide // V.G.Senchyshin, A.F.Adadurov, S.V.Melnichuk | Article (PDF format) | 305 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cascade three-component composition on polystyrene basis absorbing in visible range and emitting in near IR // A.I.Bedrik, A.O.Doroshenko, Yu.A.Gurkalenko, V.M.Shershukov, O.V.Sulima | Article (PDF format) | 310 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anion-radical conducting MeTCNQ salts with pyrazine-based cations // D.V.Ziolkovskiy, A.V.Kravchenko, V.A.Starodub, A.R.Kazachkov, V.V.Khotkevich, G.V.Kamarchuk, A.V.Khotkevich, O.S.Pyshkin | Article (PDF format) | 316 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Structure Relaxation in Solids (ICSRS) International Conference May 13-15, 2003, Vinnitsa, Ukraine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Structure sensitivity of parameters of acoustic relaxation alpha-peak in niobium and iron // V.D.Natsik, P.P.Pal-Val, L.N.Pal-Val, Yu.A.Semerenko | Article (PDF format) | 321 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analysis of low-temperature relaxation resonances in materials containing defects // V.D.Natsik, Yu.A.Semerenko | Article (PDF format) | 327 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal friction peculiarities in metals subjected to a single weak magnetic field pulse // O.I.Datsko, V.S.Abramov, V.Yu Dmitrenko, V.V.Chishko | Article (PDF format) | 334 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Influence of alumina and zirconia nanoparticles on mechanical properties and damping of magnesium // Z.Trojanova, Z.Drozd, P.Lukac, H.Ferkel, W.Riehemann | Article (PDF format) | 339 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effect of annealing mode on ZnS-Cu,Cl properties // Yu.Yu.Bacherikov, I.S.Golovina, N.V.Kitsyuk, M.A.Mukhlyo, V.E.Rodionov, O.A.Stadnyk | Article (PDF format) | 343 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Photostimulated Ga diffusion in zinc sulfide // Yu.Yu.Bacherikov, S.V.Optasyuk, V.E.Rodionov, A.A.Stadnik | Article (PDF format) | 347 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Relaxation of active acoustic emission sources during the natural aging of A3B5 epitaxial structures // V.P.Veleschuk, O.V.Lyashenko | Article (PDF format) | 350 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Relaxation of defect structure in ultrasonic wave field and acoustic emission in LiF single crystals // M.V.Kravtsov, O.V.Lyashenko, A.P.Onanko | Article (PDF format) | 352 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Study of martensite in hydraulically pressed 60C2A steel by internal friction method // N.G.Aleksandrov, A.M.Petchenko, N.Ya.Rokhmanov | Article (PDF format) | 356 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some peculiarities of mechanical properties of amorphous metal alloys // V.S.Abramov, O.N.Beloshov, O.V.Prokofieva | Article (PDF format) | 359 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Influence of structural disordering on phonon and electron spectra of Cu6+deltaPS5Br superionic crystals // I.P.Studenyak, V.O.Stefanovich, V.V.Bilanchuk, V.V.Panko, Ya.I.Studenyak | Article (PDF format) |
Theoretical models for structural phase transitions
in molecular clusters and crystals of inorganic compounds
| Article (PDF format) |
Photoelectric memory in 6H-SiC
| Article (PDF format) |
Crystal defects in epitaxial InP layers: electrical
and scanning electron microscope study
Zs.J.Horvath, A.L.Toth, V.Rakovics, Z.Paszti, G.Peto
| Article (PDF format) |
Effect of dislocations in relaxed MBE SiGe layers
on the electrical behavior of Si/SiGe heterostructures
Zs.J.Horvath, L.K.Orlov, N.L.Ivina, E.S.Demidov, V.I.Vdovin,
M.Adam, I.Szabo, L.Dozsa, E.M.Pashaev, Yu.M.Ivanov, S.N.Yakunin
| Article (PDF format) |
Relation between structure inhomogeneities and relaxation
processes in excited silicon crystals
V.A.Makara, A.M.Kolomiets, Yu.L.Kolchenko,
S.M.Naumenko, O.V.Rudenko, L.P.Steblenko
| Article (PDF format) |
X-ray spectroscopic study of structural isotypism in
Me2Si silicides
P.V.Gel, A.V.Yushchenko, A.F.Nedybalyuk, V.M.Sakhno
| Article (PDF format) |
Study of damage accumulation mechanisms in reinforced
aluminum-boron-steel composites during thermal cycling
L.R.Vishnyakov, V.P.Moroz, V.I.Lavrentyev
| Article (PDF format) |
Dilatometric study of ordered structures in Fe-Al
M.Boufenghour, A.Hayoune, N.Ya.Rokhmanov, M.Bouchear, D.Hamana
| Article (PDF format) |
Structural relaxation at plastic deformation of two-dimensional
polycrystals with fcc-lattice
E.E.Badiyan, A.G.Tonkopriad, N.A.Sakharova, O.V.Shekhovtsov, R.V.Shurinov
| Article (PDF format) |
Effect of dynamic blocking of dislocations
by interstitial atoms on mechanical properties of metals and alloys
V.V.Shirokov, O.V.Pavlyna, O.V.Shirokov
| Article (PDF format) |
News of Technology
Numerical simulation in processing of experimental
data on mechanical spectroscopy of materials
A.V.Mozgovoy, V.S.Abramchuk, I.V.Abramchuk
| Article (PDF format) |
Granulation as a method for preparation of alkali halide
salts for the growth of scintillation single crystals
B.G.Zaslavsky, S.I.Vasetsky
| Article (PDF format) |
Development of a detection block of a combined mode
scintillator-photodiode system (counting-current) for azimuthal detecting
V.V.Nekrasov, V.V.Belogub, E.M.Selegenev, B.V.Grynyov, Yu.A.Borodenko
| Article (PDF format) |
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