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Substitution of calcium with neodymium and dysprosium in hydroxyapatite structure // E.I.Get`man, S.N.Loboda, T.V.Tkachenko, A.V.Ignatov, T.F.Zabirko | Article (PDF format) | 6 |
Optically induced change of photoelectric properties of CdMnTe crystals // R.K.Savkina, F.F.Sizov, A.B.Smirnov | Article (PDF format) | 11 |
Structure factor of the gas sensitivity improvement of bilayer tin dioxide films // P.A.Panchekha, V.A.Novikov | Article (PDF format) | 17 |
Investigation of the growth mechanism, structure, and thermoelectric properties of thin PbTe films grown on mica // E.I.Rogacheva, S.N.Grigorov, S.G.Lyubchenko, A.Yu.Sipatov, V.V.Volobuev, M.S.Dresselhaus | Article (PDF format) | 21 |
Cutoff interference polymer-crystalline multilayer systems with the passband edge smooth tuning // A.I.Belyaeva, S.N.Kolomiets | Article (PDF format) | 28 |
Influence of vacuum annealing on the composition of electrochemically deposited zinc selenide layers // N.P.Klochko, N.D.Volkova, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, P.V.Mateychenko, V.R.Kopach, V.I.Shkaleto, S.N.Karasyov | Article (PDF format) | 35 |
Energy transfer and localization in optochemotronic emitter with electrodes modified using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique // Yu.T.Zholudov, N.N.Rozhitskii | Article (PDF format) | 40 |
Recombination of non-equilibrium charge carriers injected into Ge through intermediate defective layer // V.Nadtochiy, N.Golodenko, N.Nechvolod | Article (PDF format) | 45 |
Some thermodynamic effects in thin film adhesion // A.M.Chornous, G.V.Kirik, I.Yu.Protsenko, A.D.Stadnik | Article (PDF format) | 51 |
Complexity and chirality indices for molecular informatics: differential geometry approach // A.V.Luzanov, D.Nerukh | Article (PDF format) | 55 |
Features of exciton transport in J-aggregates of amphi-PIC // Yu.V.Malyukin, A.V.Sorokin, A.N.Lebedenko, S.L.Efimova, G.Ya.Guralchuk | Article (PDF format) | 64 |
Determination of cerium valence state in alkali and alkali-earth borates // O.V.Gaiduk, R.P.Pantaler, A.B.Blank | Article (PDF format) | 69 |
International Workshop "The Problems of Optics and High Technology Materials Science" (SPO 2003), October 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine | |
Study of trapping centers in undoped Al2O3 crystals using thermoluminescence methods // .F.Gumenjuk, S.Yu.Kutovyi, M.O.Grebenovych | Article (PDF format) | 72 |
Post-anodic formation of luminescent porous silicon layers in atmospheric environment // V.A.Makara, O.V.Vakulenko, V.B.Shevchenko, O.I.Dacenko | Article (PDF format) | 78 |
Ellipsometric study of ion implanted copper surface and its room temperature oxidation // L.V.Poperenko, T.Lohner, V.S.Stashchuk, N.Q.Khanh, M.V.Vinnichenko, I.V.Yurgelevych, Essam Ramadan Shaaban, D.V.Nosach | Article (PDF format) | 83 |
Some peculiarities of the associative holographic image formation and quality: the comparative analysis // A.Derzhypolskyy, D.Melenevskyy, A.Gnatovskiy, N.Medved | Article (PDF format) | 87 |
Broadband tunable and multiple noncritical phase matchings in LBO crystal // M.E.Kornienko, T.S.Sidenko, V.I.Zadorozhnii | Article (PDF format) | 91 |
Director reorientation in a cell with time-dependent anchoring due to adsorption/desorption of LC molecules // A.Romanenko, I.Pinkevich, V.Reshetnyak, I.Dozov, D.Stoenescu | Article (PDF format) | 97 |
Influence of oxide layers on optical properties of copper in a wide spectral range // Y.V.Filipov, V.S.Staschuk, L.V.Poperenko | Article (PDF format) | 102 |
Thermoelastic interactions in Al-n-Si-Ni structures at pulse laser irradiation // G.I.Vorobets, M.M.Vorobets, A.P.Fedorenko 107 | Article (PDF format) | 107 |
Effect of self-absorption on the band-to-band photoluminescence spectrum // O.P.Gamolya, O.V.Vakulenko, O.I.Dacenko | Article (PDF format) | 114 |
Simulation and automatization of measurements process in laser interferometry // N.V.Morozov | Article (PDF format) | 117 |
Influence of Si substrate and interface quality on exchange interactions in ultrathin Fe/NM/Tb film structure // Ye.A.Pogoryelov, V.M.Adeev, V.I.Bondar | Article (PDF format) | 120 |
X-ray diffraction study of atomic long-range order of Fe-Al alloy // S.P.Repetsky, R.O.Yaremko | Article (PDF format) | 124 |
Optical properties of TiAlSiN based thin films // O.I.Nakonechna, L.V.Poperenko, I.V.Yurgelevych | Article (PDF format) | 127 |
Ellipsometric plasmon sensor for adsorbed layers on thin Ag and Au films // V.L.Severynov, I.A.Shaikevich, Y.A.Shybiko | Article (PDF format) | 131 |
Acoustic emission caused by mechanical stress relaxation at oscillations of piezo-dielectric plates // M.V.Kravtsov, O.V.Lyashenko | Article (PDF format) | 133 |
News of Technology | |
Unidimensional position sensitive detector // A.V.Gektin, V.P.Gavrylyuk, D.I.Zosim, V.L.Yankelevich | Article (PDF format) | 136 |
Growth of long-length sapphire rods of optical quality // Yu.P.Andreev, Yu.V.Kryvonosov, L.A.Lytvynov, S.D.Vyshnevskiy | Article (PDF format) | 142 |
The influence of gaseous atmosphere composition on heat transfer at pulling of CsI crystals // B.G.Zaslavsky, S.I.Vasetsky, A.V.Kolesnikov, B.V.Grinyov, A.I.Mitichkin, A.M.Kudin, A.Yu.Voloshko | Article (PDF format) | 147 |
Structure formation and wear resistance of TiN-Ni ESA coatings after solar irradiation treatment // A.V.Paustovsky, G.A.Frolov, I.I.Timofeyeva, V.I.Novikova, V.S.Tsyganenko, N.M.Mordovets, A.D.Kostenko, L.P.Isayeva | Article (PDF format) | 153 |
A small-sized spectrometric detection block of the scintillator-photodiode system for determination of radionuclide localization sites // V.V.Nekrasov, V.V.Belogub, Yu.A.Borodenko, A.V.Gektin, B.V.Grinyov, E.M.Selegenev | Article (PDF format) | 159 |
Voltammetric control of thallium content in solid wastes of scintillation single crystals production // G.A.Babich, E.P.Kisil, L.I.Filippovich | Article (PDF format) | 162 |
Phase composition and properties of Fe2O3-Al2O3 catalytic system in the high-temperature ammonia oxidation process N.I.Zakharchenko | Article (PDF format) | 167 |