Contents | Contents (PDF format) |
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Analysis of the secondary breakdown of semiconductor materials on the basis of the nonlinear thermal conductivity equation // N.V.Andreyeva, Yu.P.Virchenko | Article (PDF format) | 190 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optimization of thermal conditions in growing of GSO:Ce crystals by Czochralski technique // V.G.Bondar`, V.I.Krivoshein, V.P.Martynov, L.L.Nagornaya, V.D.Ryzhikov | Article (PDF format) | 196 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The formation of n-n+ transition in the implanted crystal matrix // R.M.Peleshchak, O.V.Kuzyk, V.P.Tupichak, D.D.Shuptar | Article (PDF format) | 201 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phase formation in surface layers of GaTe and InTe single crystals during thermal oxidation in air // O.A.Balitskii, V.P.Savchyn, P.V.Savchyn, Ya.M.Fiyala | Article (PDF format) | 206 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NMR and NQR investigation of the lattice dynamics in (CH3)2CHNH3CdBr3 // Eu.D.Chesnokov, Z.Chapla, A.I.Ovcharenko, S.V.Pogrebnyak, I.G.Vertegel | Article (PDF format) | 212 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ion plasma deposition and optical properties of SiC films // A.V.Semenov, A.V.Lopin, V.M.Puzikov, Sh.Muto | Article (PDF format) | 216 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On the nature of photoinduced absorption in photochromic (AgCl)x(CuCl)1-x films // O.N.Yunakova, V.K.Miloslavsky, M.S.Gromov, E.N.Kovalenko | Article (PDF format) | 224 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Layer interaction in thin film CIS based photovoltaic device // N.P.Klochko, N.D.Volkova, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, P.V.Mateychenko, V.R.Kopach, V.I.Shkaleto, S.N.Karasyov | Article (PDF format) | 228 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effect of ZnGeP2 annealing in Zn vapor on the laser spectrum // I.I.Patskun, A.V.Rybalko | Article (PDF format) | 235 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Decay kinetics of Mn2+ ion luminescence in Mg, Zn, and Cd silicates and fluorides // A.V.Shamshurin, E.A.Zhikhareva, E.V.Malinka | Article (PDF format) | 240 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SiO2/Au core-shell nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization // N.A.Matveevskaya, A.V.Tolmachev, Yu.I.Pazura, Yu.N.Savvin, S.V.Dukarov, V.P.Semynozhenko | Article (PDF format) | 244 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Workshop "Physical Aspects of Luminescence of Complex Oxide Dielectrics" (LOD'2004), September 14-17, 2004, Kharkiv, Ukraine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On radiation-induced optical and luminescence phenomena in thermally pretreated GSO:Ce crystals // L.Nagornaya, N.Starzhinskiy, V.Bondar, B.Grinyov, K.Katrunov, E.Loseva, G.Onishchenko, V.Ryzhikov, V.Semynozhenko | Article (PDF format) | 251 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescence of CWO single crystals containing various defects // B.V.Grinyov, Z.T.Moroz, L.L.Nagornaya, M.S.Pashkovsky, V.D.Ryzhikov, I.A.Tupitsyna, A.L.Apanasenko | Article (PDF format) | 256 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New inorganic scintillators on the basis of LBO glass for neutron registration // B.I.Zadneprovski, N.V.Eremin, A.A.Paskhalov | Article (PDF format) | 261 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scintillation pulse shape discrimination with CaWO4, ZnWO4, and CdWO4 crystal // F.A.Danevich, A.Sh.Georgadze, V.V.Kobychev, B.N.Kropivyansky, S.S.Nagorny, A.S.Nikolaiko, V.I.Tretyak, S.S.Yurchenko, S.Yu.Zdesenko, Yu.G.Zdesenko , P.G.Bizzeti, T.F.Fazzini, P.R.Maurenzig, I.M.Solsky, V.B.Brudanin, F.T.Avignone III | Article (PDF format) | 269 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
X-ray excited luminescence of ytterbium containing YAG single crystalline films // Ya.M.Zakharko, A.P.Luchechko, I.M.Syvorotka, I.I.Syvorotka, S.B.Ubizskii | Article (PDF format) | 274 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Model of TSL-centers in Li2B4O7:A (A = Cu, Ag) single crystals // V.T.Adamiv, O.T.Antonyak, Ya.V.Burak, M.S.Pidzyrailo, I.M.Teslyuk | Article (PDF format) | 278 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specific features of the thermoluminescence kinetics of shallow traps in anion-defective single crystals of aluminum oxide // V.S.Kortov, S.V.Nikiforov, E.Z.Sadykova | Article (PDF format) | 282 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Physical principles of industrial growing technology of lead tungstate (PWO) for high-energy physics applications
S.Beloglovsky, Yu.Saveliev, | 287 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescent properties of Ce3+ ions in alkaline earth borophosphates // V.P.Dotsenko, I.V.Berezovskaya, N.P.Efryushina, A.S.Voloshinovskii, C.W.E.van Eijk, P.Dorenbos, A.Sidorenko | Article (PDF format) | 291 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dipole relaxation, dielectric and electric properties of PbWO4 crystals // V.N.Shevchuk, I.V.Kayun | Article (PDF format) | 297 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effect of the growing features on luminescence and thermal glow of CdWO4 scintillation crystals // A.P.Luchechko, Ya.M.Zakharko, I.M.Solsky, M.V.Pashkovsky, Yu.V.Zorenko | Article (PDF format) | 304 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescence of gallium-containing complex oxide crystal // V.N.Shevchuk | Article (PDF format) | 309 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spectroscopy of Cu- and Ag-doped single crystal and glassy lithium tetraborate: luminescence, optical absorption and ESR study // M.Ignatovych, V.Holovey, T.Vidoczy, P.Baranyai, A.Kelemen, V.Laguta, O.Chuiko | Article (PDF format) | 313 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dopant concentration dependence of thermostimulated luminescence in Li2B4O7:Mn single crystals // V.M.Holovey, V.I.Lyamayev, M.M.Birov, P.P.Puga, A.M.Solomon | Article (PDF format) | 318 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Workshop "The Problems of Optics and High Technology Materials Science" (SPO 2003), October 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine (Part II) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crystallization of rapidly quenched ribbons on the base of Fe82Si2B16 under isothermal annealing // O.P.Brud'ko, V.K.Nosenko, M.I.Zakharenko, Yu.P.Skljarov | Article (PDF format) | 323 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMR, MRE, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of Fe-SiO2 granular films // V.G.Kravets, L.V.Poperenko, K.L.Vinnichenko | Article (PDF format) |
Influence of irradiation by a particle beam on optical properties of metal mirrors
L.V.Poperenko, M.V.Vinnichenko, P.B.Kosel, K.L.Vinnichenko
| Article (PDF format) |
Ellipsometric control of stress homogeneity in surface layer of amorphous metal alloy ribbons
L.V.Poperenko, M.V.Ozerov
| Article (PDF format) |
Correlation properties of thermal orientation fluctuations
in nematic liquid crystals with macroscopic inclusions
A.N.Vasil'ev, I.P.Pinkevich
| Article (PDF format) |
The electrochemically induced processes at the gold-polyaniline film interface: surface plasmon resonance study
| Article (PDF format) |
Anomalous behaviour of electric resistivity in Co-Si-B based metallic glasses
M.G.Babich, V.K.Nosenko, M.P.Semen'ko, G.V.Yeremenko, M.I.Zakharenko
| Article (PDF format) |
Ellipsometric evidence of CoSi2 formation in Co/Si multilayer induced by thermal annealing
Y.V.Kudryavtsev, Y.P.Lee, Y.H.Hyun, E.P.Pavlova, Y.N.Makogon
| Article (PDF format) |
Ellipsometric investigation of beta-Si3N4 ceramics with Mo and Al additives
V.M.Prokopets', I.A.Shaykevich, L.Y.Robur
| Article (PDF format) |
Surface microstructure of thermoexfoliated graphite
L.Matzui, I.Ovsienko, L.Vovchenko, T.Len`, N.Shevchenko
| Article (PDF format) |
The effect of phase state on damping capacity in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V
T.Ryumshyna, I.Nosolev, T.Konstantinova
| Article (PDF format) |
Conversion of dislocation oscillation waves to spin ones near the OPT temperatures
D.I.Sirota, A.F.Zhuravlyov
| Article (PDF format) |
Two types of coronaelektrets discharge characteristics
R.N.Kuzmin, E.V.Mokrynskaya
| Article (PDF format) |
News of Technology
Chemical etching of CdTe, CdxHg1-xTe,
ZnxCd1-xTe and Te in the HNO3-HCl-citric acid
Z.F.Tomashik, Ye.O.Bilevych, P.I.Feichuk, V.M.Tomashik
| Article (PDF format) |
The influence of thermal conditions on perfection
in GaxIn1-xSb single crystals
A.V.Kushnarev, G.N.Kozhemyakin
| Article (PDF format) |
Investigation of metal beta-diketonates as parent materials for reference samples
O.I.Yurchenko, N.I.Shevtsov, L.I.Mikhailova, K.N.Belikov, N.P.Titova, A.A.Shkumat
| Article (PDF format) |
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