Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Calculation of the photocount probability distribution of the onemode stochastic radiation // Yu.P.Virchenko, N.N.Vitokhina | Article (PDF format) | 416 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equilibrium shapes of director in nematic with cylindrical particles // M.F.Ledney | Article (PDF format) | 424 | ||||||||||||||||||
A theoretical model for calculation of biphase composite failure energy // A.Yu. Popov, I.F. Kazo, V.A. Makara | Article (PDF format) | 432 | ||||||||||||||||||
Relaxation processes in nonstoichiometric YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals during annealing and at high pressure // M.A.Obolenskii, R.V.Vovk, A.V.Bondarenko | Article (PDF format) | 436 | ||||||||||||||||||
Plastic deformation instabilities in Bi crystals under microindentation // E.I.Rogacheva, A.A.Yakovleva, S.G.Lyubchenko 442 | Article (PDF format) | 442 | ||||||||||||||||||
Structural and mechanical characteristics of magnesium-aluminate spinel crystals grown by Verneuil and Czochralski methods // G.I.Belykh, V.T.Gritsyna, L.A.Lytvynov, V.B.Kol'ner | Article (PDF format) | 447 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ordering and polytypism in AIIBV crystals // G.P.Chuiko, N.L.Don, V.V.Ivchenko | Article (PDF format) | 454 | ||||||||||||||||||
The growth of Sb2S3 crystals with bend lattice during amorphous films annealing and condensation // A.G.Bagmut, S.N.Grigorov, V.Yu.Kolosov, V.M.Kosevich, G.P.Nikolaychuk | Article (PDF format) | 461 | ||||||||||||||||||
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the interface formation on cleavage surfaces of the layered semiconductor In4Se3 crystals // P.V.Galiy, A.V.Musyanovych | Article (PDF format) | 467 | ||||||||||||||||||
Photoluminescence and light scattering in lead tungstate single crystals // A.B.Tsapenko, B.P.Tsapenko, V.G.Bondar, B.V.Grinyov, E.N.Pirogov, V.D.Ryzhikov | Article (PDF format) | 476 | ||||||||||||||||||
Quantitative evaluation of microimpurity content in lead tungstate initial raw material and scintillation single crystals // L.V.Gudzenko, R.P.Pantaler, Z.V.Shtitelman, B.P.Nazarenko, M.B.Kosmyna, A.B.Blank | Article (PDF format) | 480 | ||||||||||||||||||
Crystal field parameter calculations for doped Pr3+ ion in Y2SiO5 crystal // P.N.Zhmurin, A.A.Masalov | Article (PDF format) | 484 | ||||||||||||||||||
Nonlinear electromechanical transformations in ferroelectric liquid crystals // A.P.Fedoryako, E.V.Popova, L.A.Kutulya, A.V.Palamar, P.P.Shtyfanyuk, V.P.Semynozhenko | Article (PDF format) | 487 | ||||||||||||||||||
Phase transition in Cs3Bi2I9 ferroelastic: investigation by Raman scattering technique // F.V.Motsnyi, M.V.Vuychik, O.M.Smolanka, E.Yu.Peresh | Article (PDF format) | 491 | ||||||||||||||||||
The influence of deformation by equal-channel multiple-angle pressing and durable thermal treatment on phase composition and physical properties of NbTi alloy // V.N.Varyukhin, V.V.Chishko, V.Yu.Dmitrenko, E.A.Pavlovskaya, L.F.Sennikova, V.Z.Spuskanyuk, V.V.Chabanenko, N.I.Matrosov | Article (PDF format) | 497 | ||||||||||||||||||
Raman spectra of InxTl1-xI substitutional solid solutions // Ya.O.Dovhyi, S.V.Ternavska, A.V.Franiv, O.V.Bovgyra, O.V.Savchyn | Article (PDF format) | 503 | ||||||||||||||||||
Strain effect on electrical resistivity of thermoexpanded graphite/polyvinylchloride plastisol composite // D.Yu.Karaman, V.S.Kopan, S.L.Revo | Article (PDF format) | 507 | ||||||||||||||||||
Structure and mechanical properties of nickel aluminide-rhenium eutectic alloys // M.Yu.Barabash, E.L.Martynchuk | Article (PDF format) | 512 | ||||||||||||||||||
Thin film solar cells on CdS/CdTe/ITO base // G.S.Khrypunov | Article (PDF format) | 517 | ||||||||||||||||||
The influence of point defects on the temperature dependence of quasi-two-dimensional 2H-NbSe2 resistivity // A.A.Mamalui, T.N.Shelest, N.B.Fatyanova, V.A.Sirenko | Article (PDF format) | 521 | ||||||||||||||||||
Properties of the Pb1-xSnxTe1-ySey epitaxial layers grown from the supersaturated melt-solution on dielectric and semiconductor substrates // O.N.Tsarenko, S.I.Ryabets, A.I.Tkachuk | Article (PDF format) | 526 | ||||||||||||||||||
Influence of alkaline metal to phase transitions in
ferroelastics | 531 | ||||||||||||||||||
Structure changes in C60-Bi composite films irradiated by accelerated electron beam // A.S.Vus, B.A.Savitsky, E.N.Zubarev, M.V.Moskalets | Article (PDF format) | 536 | ||||||||||||||||||
Condensation-dependent porosity in film nanostructures // P.G.Cheremskoy, A.T.Pugachov, O.V.Sobol, S.V.Malykhin, A.L.Toptygin, A.S.Panikarsky | Article (PDF format) | 539 | ||||||||||||||||||
Utilization of alternating current methods for manufacture of selective absorbing coatings for heat collectors // N.P.Klochko, N.D.Volkova, V.V.Starikov, V.R.Kopach, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, P.V.Mateychenko, V.O.Novikov | Article (PDF format) | 548 | ||||||||||||||||||
Catalytic activity of SiO2/Au heteronanoparticles in hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction // N.A.Matveevskaya, N.O.Mchedlov-Petrossyan, Yu.I.Pazura, V.P.Semynozhenko, A.V.Tolmachev | Article (PDF format) | 555 | ||||||||||||||||||
Dehydration of alkali metal iodides in vacuum // D.S.Sofronov, B.V.Grinyov, A.Yu.Voloshko, V.G.Gerasimov, E.M.Kisil, N.N.Smirnov, O.V.Shishkin | Article (PDF format) |
Fluorescence behavior of isoflavones: pH-dependent effects
M.I.Lvovska, A.D.Roshal, A.O.Doroshenko, A.V.Kyrychenko, V.P.Khilya
| Article (PDF format) |
Diastereoselective synthesis of spirotetrahydropyridines
on the basis of heterocyclic CH-acids
N.N.Kolos, T.V.Beryozkina, F.G.Yaremenko, L.S.Enina,
| Article (PDF format) |
Crystalline and molecular structure of novel anion-radical salt (N-Et-Pz)(TCNQ)3 (Pz is pyrazine)
D.V.Ziolkovskiy, A.V.Kravchenko, V.A.Starodub, O.N.Kazheva,
| Article (PDF format) |
A unified approach to sensitivity and specificity evaluation
of novel potential fluorescent dye probes for proteins
Yu.G.Okladnoy, T.S.Dyubko
| Article (PDF format) |
Degradation of voltage-current characteristics of gallium
phosphide diodes due to radiation-induced defects
V.K.Dubovyi, S.O.Kanevsky, P.G.Litovchenko, V.Ya.Opilat, V.P.Tartachnik
| Article (PDF format) |
News of Technology
Monitoring of thermal fields on surface of alkali halide
single crystals grown from the melt
O.Ts.Sidletskiy, V.I.Goriletsky, B.V.Grinyov, V.I.Sumin, O.V.Sizov, <140>.N.Tymoshenko
| Article (PDF format) |
A new method of metallurgical silicon purification
I.E.Maronchuk, O.V.Solovyev, I.A.Khlopyonova
| Article (PDF format) |
Study on gaseous impurities in alpha-alumina, used single crystals growing
T.A.Blank, L.P.Eksperiandova, L.I.Gorodilova, V.D.Panikarskaya, K.A.Kudin
| Article (PDF format) |
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