Contents | Contents (PDF format) | page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Doping methods and properties of the solid solutions on AIIBVI crystals base // L.V.Atroshchenko, L.P.Gal'chinetskii, S.N.Galkin, K.A.Katrunov, A.I.Lalayants, E.K.Lisetskaya, I.A.Rybalka, V.D.Ryzhikov, V.I.Silin, N.G.Starzhinskii, E.F.Voronkin | Article (PDF format) | 610 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Photoluminescence and electrophysical properties of p-type ZnO layers implanted with V Group elements // M.B.Kotlyarevsky, I.V.Rogozin, O.V.Marakhovsky | Article (PDF format) | 616 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effects of vitamin D group steroids on mesomorphic phase states of cholesteric sensor materials // V.D.Panikarskaya, N.A.Kasyan, L.N.Lisetski, I.P.Terenetskaya | Article (PDF format) | 622 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
First passage time problem in the material destruction theory.The poissonian process of energy absorption // Yu.P.Virchenko, M.I.Yastrubenko | Article (PDF format) | 628 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
News of Technology | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Decomposition of organic impurities in sodium iodide // D.S.Sofronov, E.M.Kisil', K.A.Kudin, A.Yu.Voloshko, O.V.Shishkin | Article (PDF format) | 633 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Conference "Crystal Materials" (ICCM'2005), May 30 <196> June 2, 2005, Kharkiv, Ukraine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optical and spectral characteristics of chromium ion doped double alkali-aluminum phosphates // S.Nedilko, O.Gomenyuk, G.Umanets, N.Stus', M.Slobodyanik, V.Boyko, V.Sheludko | Article (PDF format) | 639 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescence properties of CsI:Tl crystals codoped with Eu // V.V.Nagarkar, E.E.Ovechkina, S.R.Miller, V.Gaysinskiy, C.Brecherb, A.Lempickib, R.H.Bartramc | Article (PDF format) | 645 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peculiarities of high-temperature plastic straining anisotropy in with NaCl type single crystals in creep conditions // D.V.Matsokin, I.N.Pakhomova, V.P.Matsokin | Article (PDF format) | 652 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growing of thallium-doped KDP and ADP crystals: structural and optical parameters // V.I.Salo, V.F.Tkachenko, A.P.Voronov, V.M.Puzikov, V.A.Tsurikov | Article (PDF format) | 658 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growth of large-size KDP single crystals with high laser damage threshold // I.M.Pritula, M.I.Kolybayeva, V.I.Salo, V.M.Puzikov, K.N.Belikov | Article (PDF format) | 663 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crystallization process in thin stoichiometric GeSbTe films // D.Claudio, B.Laine, O.Licea, E.Morales-Sanchez, E.Prokhorov, G.Trapaga | Article (PDF format) | 669 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quantum confinement effects in Ge nanocrystals // A.Miranda, A.E.Ramos, L.Nino de Rivera, M.Cruz-Irisson | Article (PDF format) | 674 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A microscopic model for the dielectric function of Ge quantum wires // P.Alfaro, R.Vazquez, I.Lobota, A.E.Ramos, M. Cruz-Irisson | Article (PDF format) | 680 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermostimulated luminescence of SrB4O7 single crystals and glasses // M.F.Dubovik, T.I.Korshikova, Yu.S.Oseledchik, S.V.Parkhomenko, A.L.Prosvirnin, N.V.Svitanko, A.V.Tolmachev, R.P.Yavetsky | Article (PDF format) | 685 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growing and study of optical and luminescence properties of scintillation oxide crystals // L.L.Nagornaya, V.G.Bondar, Yu.Ya.Vostretsov, B.V.Grinyov, K.A.Katrunov, V.P.Martynov, E.N.Pirogov, N.G.Starzhinsky, I.A.Tupitsyna | Article (PDF format) | 689 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Electron structure of apatite-like compounds with isomorphic substitution in tetrahedral positions // A.P.Shpak, V.L.Karbovskii, N.A.Kurgan, E.I.Getman, A.I.Senkevich, V.I.Marchenko | Article (PDF format) | 695 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Emission of nanoparticles at the crack front during cleavage of alkali-halide single crystals // I.A.Massalimov, I.A.Madyukov, V.S.Shevchenko, F.Kh.Urakaev | Article (PDF format) | 700 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Doped sillenite crystals // T.V.Panchenko, N.A.Truseeva, K.Yu.Strelets | Article (PDF format) | 707 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Influence of ultrasound on the growth striations in GaxIn1-xSb single crystals // L.V.Zolkina, G.N.Kozhemyakin | Article (PDF format) | 714 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effects of doping with manganese on the optical properties of magnesium aluminate spinel crystals // V.T.Gritsyna, Yu.G.Kazarinov, V.B.Kol'ner, L.A.Lytvynov, K.E.Sickafus | Article (PDF format) | 719 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phase transformations of alpha-Al2O3 during annealing in a reducing atmosphere // A.Ya.Dan`ko, M.A.Rom, N.S.Sidelnikova, S.V.Nizhankovsky, L.A.Grin` | Article (PDF format) | 725 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zn1-xMgxSe single crystals as a functional material for optoelectronics // Yu.A.Zagoruiko, N.O.Kovalenko, O.A.Fedorenko, A.G.Fedorov, P.V.Mateychenko | Article (PDF format) | 731 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defect formation in CsI-CsBr mixed crystals // I.V.Garapyn, I.Z.Hud, B.V.Pavlyk | Article (PDF format) | 735 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peculiarities of Si-Ge whisker growing by CTR method // A.A.Druzhinin, I.P.Ostrovskii, Yu.M.Khoverko, Ya.V.Gij | Article (PDF format) | 738 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effect of surface electron structure variations on the surface scattering of current carriers // O.A.Panchenko, S.V.Sologub, I.V.Bordenjuk | Article (PDF format) | 742 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manufacturing technology, optical and spectral properties of nano-structurized thin ZnO films // M.R.Panasyuk, B.I.Turko, V.B.Kapustianik, G.A.Lubochkova, V.P.Rudyk, A.P.Vas`kiv, V.M.Davydov | Article (PDF format) | 746 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Features of diffusion mixing in Mo/Si multilayers // A.V.Penkov, D.L.Voronov, A.Yu.Devizenko, A.G.Ponomarenko, E.N.Zubarev | Article (PDF format) |
Doped YVO4 crystals: growing, properties and applications
V.N.Matrosov, T.A.Matrosova, M.I.Kupchenko, A.G.Yalg,
E.V.Pestryakov, V.E.Kisel, V.G.Scherbitsky, N.V.Kuleshov
| Article (PDF format) |
Pyromagnetic effect in LaAMnO perovskites
V.F.Khirnyi, A.A.Kozlovskii
| Article (PDF format) |
Growing of GaxIn1-xSb single
crystals by Czochralski technique
G.N.Kozhemyakin, R.V.Ruban
| Article (PDF format) |
Dynamics of heat removal at largesize alkali halide crystals growth
V.I.Goriletsky, O.Ts.Sidletskiy, V.V.Vasilyev
| Article (PDF format) |
Preparation of non-uniform gradient structures on the
basis of Ge40S60 alloys with modifiers
V.Yu.Loya, ??.V.Lada , S.S.Krafchyk, P.P.Puga, H.D.Puga
| Article (PDF format) |
Si as dopant impurity in CdTe
P.M.Fochuk, O.E.Panchuk
| Article (PDF format) |
Influence of the growing conditions on thermochromic
properties of [NH2(C2H5)2]2CuxZn1-xCl4
V.Kapustianyk, Yu.Korchak, V.Rudyk, A.Batiuk
| Article (PDF format) |
The primary phase part in microstructure formation
of ??in-situ?? eutectic composite of LaB6-ZrB2
A.A.Ereshchenko, Yu.B.Paderno , V.B.Filippov, V.N.Paderno
| Article (PDF format) |
Self-organization in semiconductors with drift instability
under influence of modulated light. II.
Light response to external field variations
S.M.Chupyra, P.P.Horley, P.M.Gorley
| Article (PDF format) |
Thermographical monitoring of structure transformations
in Cd1-xZnxTe milts
P.I.Feychuk, L.P.Shcherbak, O.V.Kopach
| Article (PDF format) |
Ensemble of point defects in CdTe single crystals
and films in the case of full equilibrium and quenching
V.V.Kosyak, A.S.Opanasyuk, I.Yu.Protsenko
| Article (PDF format) |
Photovoltaic properties of a heterostructure on the
basis of porous silicon and polyaniline
P.Stakhira, E.Aksimentieva, Z.Mykytyuk, V.Cherpak
| Article (PDF format) |
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