Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Phase formation and crystallization of films deposited by pulse laser sputtering of chromium in oxygen atmosphere // A.G.Bagmut, S.N.Grigorov, V.A.Zhuchkov, V.Yu.Kolosov, V.M.Kosevich, G.P.Nikolaichuk | Article (PDF format) | 206 |
Photoinduced phenomena in thin-film Cu-PbI2 and Cu-PbI2-chalkogenide glassy semiconductor systems // V.V.Mussil, E.T.Lemeshevskaya, V.V.Pilipenko | Article (PDF format) | 214 |
Solid solution formation in Cu/Co ultrathin film systems // I.Yu.Protsenko, I.V.Cheshko, J.Javorsky | Article (PDF format) | 219 |
Diffraction efficiency of H-PDLC film with comb-shaped electrodes // V.Kubytskyi, V.Reshetnyak, T.Galstian | Article (PDF format) | 223 |
Physical mechanisms of microstructure formation in niobium films under low temperature ionic-atomic deposition // I.G.Marchenko, I.M.Neklyudov | Article (PDF format) | 227 |
Electrically induced spectral and spatial instabilities of photoresponse CdZnTe crystals // V.P.Mygal, A.S.Phomin | Article (PDF format) | 234 |
Foreign phase inclusions in Ti-sapphire grown in a carbon-containing medium // S.D.Vyshnevskiy, Ye.V.Kryvonosov, L.A.Lytvynov | Article (PDF format) | 238 |
Effect of oxygen deficit on temperature dependence of excess conductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-delta single crystals // A.V.Bondarenko, R.V.Vovk, M.A.Obolensky, N.N.Chebotaev | Article (PDF format) | 245 |
Some characteristics of semiconductor HgCdMnZnTe solid solution crystals // N.Popenko, I.Ivanchenko, I.Brovenko, A.Zhigalov, S.Karelin, I.Gorbatyuk, S.Ostapov, S.Dremlyuzhenko, I.Rarenko, R.Zaplitnyi, I.Fodchuk, V.G.Deibuk | Article (PDF format) | 249 |
Structural features of Fe-Al-vacancy system // N.Ya.Rokhmanov, V.V.Onishchenko, I.N.Laptev, A.A.Parkhomenko | Article (PDF format) | 255 |
Porosity and bioactivity of hydroxyapatite-glass composites // V.V.Skorokhod, L.A.Ivanchenko, N.D.Pinchuk, O.I.Getman, S.M.Solonyn, V.V.Panichkina, P.Ja.Radchenko | Article (PDF format) | 260 |
Adsorption properties of silica with covalently bound 8-hydroxyquinoline with respect to toxic metal ions // O.V.Glushchenko, E.S.Yanovska, O.Yu.Kichkiruk, V.A.Tertykh | Article (PDF format) | 265 |
Influence of metal ions on the response of solvatochromic Reichardt indicators: NMR spectroscopic study // S.V.Shekhovtsov, E.V.Lukinova | Article (PDF format) | 270 |
Single-step template synthesis of mesoporous silicas containing thiourea functional groups // Yu.L.Zub, O.I.Gona, A.A.Chuiko, N.A.Yaroshenko, A.Dabrowski | Article (PDF format) | 274 |
Polymorphous billiard with chaotic beams dynamics // S.V.Naydenov, Yu.N.Maslovsky, V.V.Yanovsky | Article (PDF format) | 280 |
International Conference "Fuctional Materials" Ukraine, Crimea, Partenit, October , 2005 | |
New method for measuring magnetoelectric effect in pulsed magnetic fields // E.D.Bueno-Baques, J.Matutes-Aquino, V.Corral-Flores, M.Botello-Zubiate, D.Rios-Jara, R.Grossinger | Article (PDF format) | 283 |
Surface segregation and charge state of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 // I.A.Danilenko, T.E.Konstantinova, G.E.Shatalova, V.N.Krivoruchko, V.D.Doroshev, V.A.Stupak, G.K.Volkova | Article (PDF format) | 288 |
Magnetic nanocomposites based on borate glasses doped with Fe and Mn // I.S.Edelman, R.D.Ivantsov, O.S.Ivanova, O.A.Bayukov, V.V.Zaikovskii | Article (PDF format) | 293 |
About the influence of nuclear interactions on longitudinal magnetic relaxation of 57Fe nuclei in YIG films // S.N.Polulyakh, N.A.Sergeev | Article (PDF format) | 301 |
Features of special joints of grain boundaries in polysilicon films of equiaxial and dendritic structures // N.G.Nakhodkin, N.P.Kulish, P.M.Lytvyn, T.V.Rodionova | Article (PDF format) | 305 |
Analysis of the electronic polarizability of ions in weak ferromagnetic FeBO3 crystals // M.B.Strugatskii, A.A.Yatsenko, A.V.Yatsenko | Article (PDF format) | 310 |
Investigation of hydrogen bond dynamics in NH4IO3·2HIO3 crystal by NQR // D.F.Baisa, A.I.Barabash, I.G.Vertegel, E.D.Chesnokov, A.I.Ovcharenko | Article (PDF format) | 314 |
Investigations of short range ordering in Fe-(5-6)%(at.)Si single crystals with diffusive magnetic anisotropy // V.V.Serikov, N.M.Kleinerman, N.V.Ershov, V.A.Lukshina, Yu.P.Chernenkov, V.I.Fedorov, B.K.Sokolov | Article (PDF format) | 318 |
Electrical and magnetic properties of La1-xAgyMnO3 recrystallized ceramics // O.V.Melnikov, O.Yu.Gorbenko, A.R.Kaul, A.M.Aliev, A.G.Gamzatov, Sh.B.Abdulvagidov, A.B.Batdalov, R.V.Demin, L.I.Koroleva | Article (PDF format) | 323 |
Study of Aurivillius phases in Bi4Ti3O12-BiFeO3 system // N.A.Lomanova, M.I.Morozov, V.V.Gusarov | Article (PDF format) | 328 |
Effect of alloying on transformation temperatures and magnetoplasticity in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys // .Glavatska, A.Dobrinskiy, I.Glavatskiy, I.Urubkov, Y.Ge, O.Soderberg, S.-P.Hannula | Article (PDF format) | 331 |
Multiple nuclear spin echoes in the Ni54.1Mn20.7Ga25.2 alloy // V.V.Kotov, A.M.Pogorily, V.O.Golub | Article (PDF format) | 337 |
Thermodynamic characteristics of ternary sulfides MLn2S4 and solid solutions thereof // L.Kalinina, Yu.Ushakova, O.Medvedeva, G.Shirokova, E.Fominykh, B.Ananchenko | Article (PDF format) | 340 |
Composite ceramics based on (Ca1/4Cu3/4)TiO3 // OV.M.Ishchuk, T.G.Deineka, V.N.Baumer, A.A.Kozlovskii, E.A.Vovk, Z.P.Sergienko | Article (PDF format) | 347 |
Synthesis of Ln1-x-yMe'xMe''yMnO3 (Ln:La, Nd; Me' and Me'':Sr, Pb) solid solutions using sol-gel method // T.A.Shitchkova, G.G.Emello, L.A.Bashkirov | Article (PDF format) | 350 |
Light yield non-proportionality of organic and inorganic scintillators exposed to alpha rays of various energy // B.V.Grinyov, V.A.Tarasov, Yu.T.Vydaj, A.M.Kudin, L.A.Andryushchenko, I.V.Kilimchuk, A.A.Ananenko, L.S.Gordienko | Article (PDF format) | 355 |
Methodical aspects and measuring set-up for investigation the ability to selective detection of different ionizing radiations by organic scintillators // N.Z.Galunov, E.V.Martynenko, O.A.Tarasenko | Article (PDF format) | 359 |