Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Chaotic dynamics of an asymmetric circular billiard with ray splitting // V.V.Yanovsky, S.V.Naydyonov, A.V.Kurilo | Article (PDF format) | 155 |
Problem of the heat radiative conductance in semitransparent media. The approximation of small reflection coefficient // A.V.Kolesnikov | Article (PDF format) | 164 |
Scaling properties of dendrimers with long flexible branches // M.Ratner | Article (PDF format) | 171 |
Luminescence modification of CsI crystal activated by CsCl impurity // A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, Ya.Chornodolsky, G.Stryganyuk | Article (PDF format) | 177 |
Dominant point defects in doped cadmium telluride CdTe:Ge // D.M.Freik, U.M.Pysklynets, L.Y.Mezhylovska | Article (PDF format) | 181 |
Synthesis, morphology, and compactibility of tetragonal zirconia nanopowders // S.V.Gabelkov, R.V.Tarasov, N.S.Poltavtsev, M.P.Starolat, N.F.Andrievskaya, A.G.Mironova, E.G.Ledovskaya, L.M.Litvinenko, M.A.Odeychuk, F.V.Belkin | Article (PDF format) | 187 |
Silicon crystal strength reduction due to magnetoresonance // V.A.Makara, A.M.Pogorilyi, L.P.Steblenko, A.M.Kuryliuk, S.M.Naumenko, Yu.L.Kobzar, A.F.Kravets, D.I.Podyalovsky, O.V.Matveeva | Article (PDF format) | 192 |
Electrodeposition kinetics, structure and optical properties of cadmium sulfide films // N.P.Klochko | Article (PDF format) | 195 |
Synthesis of strontium tetraborate SrB4O7 for single crystal growth // T.I.Korshikova, S.V.Parkhomenko, A.V.Tolmachev, R.P.Yavetskiy | Article (PDF format) | 200 |
Structure and stress state of ion-plasma hafnium condensates // A.S.Vus, S.V.Malykhin, A.T.Pugachev, E.N.Reshetnyak, R.V.Azhazha, K.V.Kovtun | Article (PDF format) | 204 |
The structure and nanoindentation of C60 films // V.E.Pukha, A.N.Drozdov, A.T.Pugachev, S.N.Dub | Article (PDF format) | 209 |
Internal structure parameters and synthesis conditions of polycrystalline diamond films // S.N.Samsonenko, N.D.Samsonenko, Z.I.Kolupaeva | Article (PDF format) | 212 |
Parametric interaction in the Terfenol-D based magnetostrictive composite and nickel ferrite // V.V.Rudenko, V.N.Berzhansky, S.N.Polulyakh, P.Pernod, V.L.Preobrazhensky | Article (PDF format) | 218 |
Residual stresses in Ti41.5Zr41.5Ni17 quasi-crystalline ribbons measured by X-ray diffraction // S.Malykhin | Article (PDF format) | 223 |
Strong enhancement of cyanine dye aggregation by a cationic surfactant // G.Ya.Guralchuk, I.K.Katrunov, R.S.Grinyov, A.V.Sorokin, S.L.Efimova, Yu.V.Malyukin, S.M.Yarmoluk | Article (PDF format) | 228 |
Spectrophotometry and electrical conductivity studies of multiwall nanotubes dispersed in nematic liquid crystals // L.N.Lisetski, N.I.Lebovka, O.Ts.Sidletskiy, V.D.Panikarskaya, N.A.Kasian, S.S.Kositsyn, M.O.Lisunova, O.V.Melezhyk | Article (PDF format) | 223 |
Study of the spectrum of scintillation amplitude generated by fast neutron in an organic scintillator // SE.V.Martynenko | Article (PDF format) | 238 |
Light scattering in the plastic scintillator // L.N.Khlapova, Ya.Shpilevoy, V.Senchyshyn, A.Gavrik, V.Lebedev | Article (PDF format) | 243 |
Crystallogeometric regularities of main crack origination and development in two-dimensional aluminum polycrystals // E.E.Badiyan, A.G.Tonkopryad, O.V.Shekhovtsov, R.V.Shurinov | Article (PDF format) | 249 |
Study of spectral and luminescence properties and association in hydrocarbon solvents of stilbene and distyrylbenzene derivatives // V.M.Shershukov, A.I.Bedryk, A.O.Doroshenko | Article (PDF format) | 252 |
News of Technology | |
Application of PIXE and PIGE methods for examination of tungsten and rhenium alloys obtained by CVD // V.V.Levenets, A.O.Shchur, O.P.Omelnyk, B.M.Shirokov | Article (PDF format) | 258 |
On combination of floating-zone recrystallization with other purification methods // A.I.Kravchenko | Article (PDF format) | 266 |
Mass-spectrometric study of thermal desorption processes at vacuum heating of lithium iodide used to LiI(Eu) crystal growing // D.S.Sofronov, A.Yu.Voloshko, O.V.Shishkin | Article (PDF format) | 269 |
New Edition | |
Inorganic Materials Science (Encyclopaedia) // G.G.Gnesin | Article (PDF format) | 272 |