Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Narrowing of the martensite transformation temperature
hysteresis in ferromagnetic Fe-Co-Ni-Ti alloys doped
with |
6 |
Tuning of piezoelectric parameters in the phase transition process via the transient state // V.M.Ishchuk, N.A.Spiridonov | Article (PDF format) | 11 |
NMR study of proton dynamics in ferroelectric KIO3·2HIO3 crystal // D.F.Baisa, E.D.Chesnokov, A.I.Ovcharenko, I.G.Vertegel | Article (PDF format) | 19 |
The effect of impurity and intrinsic defects on the energy structure and dynamic of electronic processes CdTe:V and Cd1-xHgxTe:V crystals // Yu.P.Gnatenko, P.M.Bukivskij, Yu.P.Piryatinski, I.O.Faryna, M.S.Furyer, R.V.Gamernyk | Article (PDF format) | 23 |
Initial stages of diffusion and phase formation in Sc/Si layered systems // D.L.Voronov, E.N.Zubarev, V.V.Kondratenko, Yu.P.Pershyn, V.A.Sevryukova, Ye.A.Bugayev | Article (PDF format) | 30 |
The effect of giant magnetoresistance in Co/Cu/Co structure // Yu.A. Shkurdoda, L.V. Dekhtyaruk, V. B. Loboda | Article (PDF format) | 38 |
Local polar order in the ferroelectric-relaxor Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 as studied by 23Na NMR // Yu.E.Yablonskaya, I.P.Aleksandrova, A.A.Sukhovsky, Yu.N.Ivanov | Article (PDF format) | 46 |
On the nature of asymmetry of nucleation centers activity
in ultrathin |
51 |
Linear in magnetic field increase of the magneto-optical Kerr effect in multilayered Co/Cu films // I.M.Lukienko, M.F.Kharchenko, V.V.Zorchenko, A.N.Stetsenko | Article (PDF format) | 56 |
properties of LaB6-(Ti0.6Zr0.4)B2 material // Yu.B.Paderno , A.A.Taran, D.A.Voronovich, V.N.Paderno, V.B.Filipov | Article (PDF format) | 63 |
Structural and energy changes at the cleavage surfaces of In4Se3 layered crystals under interface formation // P.V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, Ya.B.Losovyj, Ya.M.Fiyala | Article (PDF format) | 68 |
Study of nanostructured layers of single-crystal silicon by scanning tunnel spectroscopy // S.P.Kulyk, M.M.Melnichenko, K.V.Svezhentsova, O.M.Shmyryova | Article (PDF format) | 74 |
Effect of silver on thermal e.m.f. and electric resistance of La-Sr-Co-O ceramics // A.A.Kozlovskii, V.F.Khirnyi, T.G.Deineka, A.V.Semenov, V.M.Puzikov, P.V.Mateychenko, V.A.Finkel | Article (PDF format) | 78 | Heteronanoparticles of silicon dioxide with shell of
Pt nanocrystals
// N.A.Matveevskaya, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, |
81 |
Magnetoresistive characteristics of bismuth films // B.O.Avramenko, I.G.Mirzoev, A.G.Ravlik | Article (PDF format) | 87 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Development of thermal regime control for crucibleless AHP method // V.I.Deshko, V.D.Golyshev, A.Ya.Karvatskii, Yu.V.Lokhmanets | Article (PDF format) | 90 |
Light collection peculiarities in X-ray scintillation detectors // T.E.Gorbacheva, V.A.Tarasov, Yu.T.Vidayj, A.A.Ananenko, V.P.Gavrylyuk | Article (PDF format) | 97 |
Characteristics of electromagnetic and magneto-static surface waves in metal-dielectric-ferrite-left handed waveguide layered structure // A.H.El-Astal, M.S.Hamada, M.M.Shabat | Article (PDF format) | 102 |
Phenomenological model of surface-induced anisotropy in magnetic nanostructures // A.A. Leonov, I.E. Dragunov, U.K. Roessler, A.N. Bogdanov | Article (PDF format) | 109 |
Technology | |
Integrated detectors of ionizing radiation based on ZnSe(Te)/pZnTe-nCdSe structures // N.G.Starzhinskiy, B.V.Grinyov, P.A.Gashin, A.A.Focsha, A.B.Galat, V.D.Ryzhikov, K.A.Katrunov, I.M.Zenya | Article (PDF format) | 115 |
Electrochemical deposition of cadmium telluride films // N.P.Klochko, N.D.Volkova, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, V.R.Kopach, T.A.Li | Article (PDF format) | 119 |
Synthesis of charged silica films of porous structure // Yu.S.Zharkikh, S.V.Lysochenko, O.A.Pylypenko, O.V.Tretyak | Article (PDF format) | 127 |
Silicon based materials for spintronics prepared by implantation and temperature - (pressure) treatment // Andrzej Misiuk, Lee Chow | Article (PDF format) | 131 |
Biodegradable magnesium alloys for medical application // I.I.Papirov, M.A.Tikhonovsky, K.V.Kutniy, A.I.Pikalov, S.V.Sivtsov, L.A.Pirozhenko, V.S.Shokurov | Article (PDF format) | 139 |
Structure of tantalum diboride thin films deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering // V.A.Konovalov, D.N.Terpiy, N.A.Klyahina, I.G.Kostenko, L.A.Vasetskaya | Article (PDF format) | 144 |
Variation of crystal lattice parameters of KDP single crystals containing impurities // V.I.Salo, V.F.Tkachenko | Article (PDF format) | 149 |