Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Migration-enhanced energy transfer from host to dopant in Sr2CeO4:Eu crystal // A.A.Masalov, O.G.Vyagin, I.I.Ganina, Yu.V.Malyukin | Article (PDF format) | 470 |
Comparison of two polymethine dyes used as exciton traps for amphi-PIC J-aggregates // R.S.Grynyov, A.V.Sorokin, G.Ya.Guralchuk, S.L.Yefimova, I.A.Borovoy, Yu.V.Malyukin | Article (PDF format) | 475 |
Effect of crystal pre-straining on phonon damping of dislocations // A.M.Petchenko, G.A.Petchenko | Article (PDF format) | 481 |
Luminescence properties of Ca3Ga2Ge4O14 crystals // L.Kostyk, O.Tsvetkova, G.Stryganyuk | Article (PDF format) | 487 |
Structural and optical characteristics of disordered silicon carbide films // A.V.Lopin | Article (PDF format) | 492 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Dynamical regimes reconstruction in three-component bistable system with dispersive relaxation time // E.D. Belokolos, V.O. Kharchenko | Article (PDF format) | 496 |
Temperature conditions in a cone // S.M.Ivakhnenko, M.A.Serga, S.N.Shevchuk, V.V.Yanovsky | Article (PDF format) | 505 |
Energy spectrum and thermodynamics of quasi-one-dimensional ferrimagnets on the basis of transition metal compounds // V.O.Cheranovskii, A.A.Kravchenko, T.O.Kuznetsova | Article (PDF format) | 511 |
On the cellular structure period of the crystallization front of a binary melt // V.N.Kanischev, S.V.Barannik | Article (PDF format) | 517 |
Rayleigh light scattering on the director static inhomogeneities in filled flexoelectric nematic crystal // M.F.Ledney | Article (PDF format) | 525 |
Nanocontainer properties of flexible dendrimers // M.Ratner | Article (PDF format) | 534 |
Technology | |
Growth and scintillation properties of NaLa(WO4)2 and NaLa(MoO4)2 single crystals // V.N.Baumer, Yu.N.Gorobets, M.B.Kosmyna, B.P.Nazarenko, V.M.Puzikov, A.N.Shekhovtsov, O.V.Zelenskaya | Article (PDF format) | 537 |
Transparent ceramics of yttrium-aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12) from nanocrystalline powders obtained by co-precipitation // V.N.Baumer, E.A.Vovk, O.M.Vovk, T.G.Deineka, M.B.Kosmyna, P.V.Mateychenko, V.M.Puzikov, Z.P.Sergienko, A.V.Tolmachev, A.N.Shekhovtsov, R.P.Yavetskiy | Article (PDF format) | 540 |
Optical and luminescence characteristics of YAG:Ce crystals grown by horizontal directed crystallization in reducing gas medium // S.V.Nizhankovsky, A.Ya.Dan`ko, V.M.Puzikov, Yu.N.Savvin, A.G.Trushkovsky, S.I.Krivonogov | Article (PDF format) | 546 |
Volume defects of crystal structure in alkali halide crystals grown from melt by continuous automated method // V.I.Goriletsky, M.M.Tymoshenko, V.V.Vasyliev, T.O.Ilyashenko | Article (PDF format) | 550 |
Structure perfection of large-size KDP crystals grown by various techniques // V.M.Puzikov, V.F.Tkachenko, V.A.Tsurikov | Article (PDF format) | 556 |
The effect of thermal annealing on linear and nonlinear optical response of dyed KDP crystals // I.Pritula, V.Gayvoronsky, Yu.Gromov, M.Kopylovsky, M.Kolybaeva, V.Puzikov, A.Kosinova | Article (PDF format) | 561 |
Preparation of Lu2O3:Eu3+ nanopowders for optical ceramics // R.P.Yavetskiy | Article (PDF format) | 569 |
Effect of sintering conditions on physical properties of carbonated hydroxyapatite ceramics // M.V.Tkachenko, Z.Z.Zyman | Article (PDF format) | 574 |
Influence of intensive etching processes on structure and properties of carbon nitride films // R.V.Shalaev, V.N.Varyukhin, A.M.Prudnikov, A.I.Linnik, I.V.Zhikharev, N.N.Belousov, D.V.Raspornya, A.N.Ulyanov | Article (PDF format) | 580 |
Effect of technology parameters on the quality of nZnSe(X)/Ni Schottky diodes // K.A.Katrunov, L.P.Galchinetskii, B.V.Grinyov,N.G.Starzhinskiy, G.N.Bendeberya, E.A.Bondarenko | Article (PDF format) | 585 |
Corrosion resistance of |
589 |
= Changes in optical properties, structure and chemical composition of thin-film Ag-PbI2 systems at intercalation of ammonia // V.V.Mussil , Ye.T.Lemeshevskaya, V.V.Pilipenko, G.I.Gurina | Article (PDF format) | 594 |
Growing of NaI:Tl crystal plates in garnissage // I.I.Kisil, V.I.Taranyuk, S.V.Yaroslavkin | Article (PDF format) | 600 |
Double-layer ITO/Al back surface reflector for single-junction silicon photoconverters // V.R.Kopach, M.V.Kirichenko, S.V.Shramko, R.V.Zaitsev | Article (PDF format) | 604 |
Optical properties of quantum-sized structures and two-dimensional photon crystals fabricated in semiconductor substrates using irreversible giant modification // A.M.Kamuz, P.F.Oleksenko, O.A.Kamuz, O.A.Ilin, A.V.Stronski | Article (PDF format) | 608 |
Structure and properties of electrolytic cobalt-tungsten alloy coatings // M.Ved, N.Sakhnenko, T.Bairachnaya, N.Tkachenko | Article (PDF format) | 613 |
Author Index Vol. 15, No. 1-4 | Index (PDF format) | 618 |