Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Evolution of the time and spatial photoresponse instabilities of the sensors based on CdZnTe crystals // A.V.But, V.P.Mygal, A.S.Phomin | Article (PDF format) | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interplay of point and planar defects in the phase state formation and dynamics of Abrikosov vortices in YBa2Cu3O |
11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermoelectric properties of the layered oxides LnBaCu(Co)FeO5+delta (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Gd) // A.I.Klyndyuk, Ye.A.Chizhova | Article (PDF format) | 17 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Infrared spectroscopy and electroreflectance in the region of fundamental optical transition E0 of heavily doped n-GaAs (100) // P.O.Gentsar, O.I.Vlasenko, M.V.Vuichyk, O.V.Stronski | Article (PDF format) | 23 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminescent photonic crystals
// S.O.Klimonsky, A.S.Sinitskii, V.V.Abramova, S.V.Eliseeva, |
29 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optical properties of Ge-As-S thin films // I.D.Tolmachov, A.V.Stronski | Article (PDF format) | 32 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absorption edge of nanocrystalline cubic silicon carbide films // A.V.Lopin, A.V.Semenov, V.M.Puzikov, S.N.Skorik | Article (PDF format) | 36 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spectroscopic studies of dye-surfactant interactions in aqueous solutions in pre- and post-micelle formation concentration ranges // S.Yefimova | Article (PDF format) | 41 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modeling and simulation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On the transition criterion to the regular cellular structure of a binary melt crystallization front // V.N.Kanischev, S.V.Barannik | Article (PDF format) | 48
Technology | Research and development of alkali earth tungstate and molybdate crystal scintillators for search for rare events
// L.L.Nagornaya, A.M.Dubovik, B.V.Grinyov, K.A.Katrunov, I.A.Tupitsyna, Yu.Ya.Vostretsov
| Article (PDF format) |
54 | Effect of oxidation method of cadmium and zinc chalcogenide substrates on physical properties of CdO and ZnO heterolayers
// V.P.Makhniy, Yu.N.Boiko, N.V.Skrypnyk, M.M.Slyotov, S.V.Khusnutdinov
| Article (PDF format) |
59 | Growing of |
65 | Preparation and scintillation properties of LGSO:Ce crystals
// O.Ts.Sidletskiy, V.G.Bondar, B.V.Grinyov, D.A.Kurtsev, V.N.Baumer, K.N.Belikov, Z.V.Shtitelman, S.A.Tkachenko, O.V.Zelenskaya, N.G.Starzhinsky, K.A.Katrunov, V.A.Tarasov
| Article (PDF format) |
67 | A liquid scintillator for thermal neutrons detection
// Ya.Ding, N.A.Gundorin, Zh.Zhang, I.B.Nemchenok, L.B.Pikelner
| Article (PDF format) |
73 | Temperature dependence of radiation resistance of scintillation detectors based on lead tungstate crystals
// S.F.Burachas, M.S.Ippolitov, V.I.Manko, S.A.Nikulin, A.N.Vasiliev, A.L.Apanasenko, A.N.Vasiliev, A.V.Uzunian, G.Tamulaitis
| Article (PDF format) |
76 | Fringe effects in large-area scintillation detectors
// A.Yu.Boyarintsev, A.V.Gektin, V.P.Gavrilyuk, V.I.Koshel, V.Yu.Pedash
| Article (PDF format) |
82 | New generation of organic scintillation materials
// S.V.Budakovsky, N.Z.Galunov, B.V.Grinyov, J.K.Kim, Y.K.Kim, O.A.Tarasenko
| Article (PDF format) |
86 | Development of new composite scintillators based on organic single crystal grains
// N.L.Karavaeva, O.A.Tarasenko
| Article (PDF format) |
92 | Mass-spectrometric studies of the charge for CdWO4 crystal growth
// D.S.Sofronov, L.L.Nagornaya, I.A.Tupitsyna, K.A.Kudin
| Article (PDF format) |
97 | Comparison of refining by distillation and crystallization
// A.I.Kravchenko
| Article (PDF format) |
101 | Inorganic anion exchanger based on silica with grafted polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride
// E.S.Yanovska, A.D.Dadashev, V.A.Tertykh
| Article (PDF format) |
105 | |