Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Formation of La-containing microcrystals in KCl and NaCl matrices // T.Demkiv, V.Vistovskyy, P.Savchyn, G.Stryganyuk, A.Voloshinovskii, L.Demkiv | Article (PDF format) | 225 |
The peculiarity of electric conductance of KDP single crystals // A.N.Levchenko, I.M.Pritula, V.B.Tyutyunnik, A.P.Gavrik, Yu.N.Velikhov, K.N.Belikov, O.N.Khomenko, V.M.Puzikov | Article (PDF format) | 230 |
The relaxation of magnetomechanical effect in silicon crystals under cyclic magnetic treatment // V.A.Makara, L.P.Steblenko, A.M.Kuryliuk, Iu.L.Kobzar, S.M.Naumenko, A.M.Krit, V.M.Kravchenko | Article (PDF format) | 237 |
Transformation of spinel crystals structure MgO*nAl2O3 under high-temperature annealing // G.I.Belykh, V.T.Gritsyna, L.A.Lytvynov, V.B.Kolner | Article (PDF format) | 241 |
Influence of isovalent doping on the cathodoluminescence of Li2B4O7:A (A = K, Cu, Ag) single crystals // V.T.Adamiv, V.P.Savchyn, P.V.Savchyn, I.M.Teslyuk, Ya.V.Burak | Article (PDF format) | 247 |
The dislocation resonance absorption of ultrasound in KBr crystals at low temperatures // G.A.Petchenko, A.M.Petchenko | Article (PDF format) | 253 |
Evolution of the pseudogap state in HTSC single crystals ReBa2Cu3O7-delta (Re=Y, Ho) doped with Al and Pr // R.V.Vovk, A.A.Zavgorodniy, M.A.Obolenskii, A.V.Samoilov, Y.V.Biletskiy, V.M.Pinto Simoes | Article (PDF format) | 258 |
Li2Zn2(MoO4)3 crystal as a potential detector for 100Mo 2beta-decay search // N.V.Bashmakova, F.A.Danevich, V.Ya.Degoda, I.M.Dmitruk, V.M.Kudovbenko, S.Yu.Kutovyi, V.V.Mikhailin, S.S.Nagorny, A.S.Nikolaiko, S.Nisi, A.A.Pavlyuk, S.Pirro, A.E.Savon, S.F.Solodovnikov, Z.A.Solodovnikova, D.A.Spassky, V.I.Tretyak, S.M.Vatnik, E.S.Zolotova | Article (PDF format) | 266 |
Suppression mechanism of millisecond afterglow in CsI:Tl crystals by Eu2+ impurity // A.M.Kudin, A.V.Shkoropatenko, N.V.Ovcharenko, V.D.Alekseev, L.N.Trefilova, A.L.Shpilinskaya | Article (PDF format) | 275 |
Investigation of (100) |
279 |
Study of surface influence on the n-Ge(110) electroreflectance spectra and their polarization spectroscopy // O.I.Vlasenko, P.O.Gentsar, A.V.Stronski | Article (PDF format) | 286 |
Effect of tolerance factor and A-site cations disorder on transport properties of A’1-xA’’xCoO3-delta perovskites (A’ = Ho, Er; A’’ = Ca, Sr) // A.A.Kozlovskii, V.F.Khirnyi, A.V.Semenov, V.M.Puzikov, T.G.Deineka, O.V.Gaiduk, Yu.N.Chiang | Article (PDF format) | 292 |
Manifestation of multiphonon structure and orbitons in the tunnel spectra of manganites // V.M.Svistunov, V.N.Leonova, M.A.Belogolovskii, Yu.F.Revenko | Article (PDF format) | 302 |
Raman and ESR study of gas detonation deposited hydroxyapatite coatings // V.M.Dzhagan, M.Ya.Valakh, A.A.Konchits, I.P.Vorona, V.S.Yefanov, M.I.Klyui, V.P.Temchenko, V.A.Dubok | Article (PDF format) | 306 |
Radiation influence on characteristics of GaP light emitting diodes // A.Borzakovskyj, O.Gontaruk, V.Kochkin, P.Litovchenko, V.Opilat, I.Petrenko, V.Tartachnyk | Article (PDF format) | 313 |
Optical transmittance and electric conductivity in nematic dispersions containing carbon nanotubes and organomodified montmorillonite // S.S.Minenko, A.I.Kocherzhyn, L.N.Lisetski, N.I.Lebovka | Article (PDF format) | 319 |
Structure of |
324 |
329 | |
Magnetoelectric response of bismuth-substituted ferrite-garnet films irradiated by a high-power laser pulse // V.E.Koronovskyy | Article (PDF format) | 332 |
Electro-optical properties of polymeric "guest-host" system doped with 8-hydroxyquinoline azo dyes and its cobalt complexes // N.A.Davidenko, I.I.Davidenko, I.A.Savchenko, A.T.Sinyugina, S.L.Studzinsky, A.N.Popenaka, L.S.Tonkopieva, A.Yu.Kolendo, A.N.Ankin | Article (PDF format) | 335 |
Technology | |
Preparation of heterogeneous film structures by thermally activated mass-transfer // A.V.Filatov, A.E.Pogorelov, V.V.Nevdacha, A.F.Kravets | Article (PDF format) | 339 |
Laminated material for gamma radiation shielding // I.I.Aksenov, V.A.Belous, I.G.Goncharov, A.S.Kuprin, N.S.Lomino, A.V.Mazilov, V.D.Ovcharenko, V.S.Pavlov, B.N.Razsukovany | Article (PDF format) | 342 |
Preparation of high-gradient ferromagnetic matrices for magnetic filters (separators) with fractal surface structure by magnetoelectrolysis // S.V.Gorobets, O.Yu.Gorobets, O.N.Bylo, M.M.Potyomkin | Article (PDF format) | 347 |
Optically transparent melamine-formaldehyde polymers modified with proton acceptors // V.V.Lebedev, T.A.Blank, V.L.Avramenko, L.P.Eksperiandova, D.A.Mishurov, V.D.Titskaya, A.S.Shadrikov | Article (PDF format) | 351 |
Personalia | |
In memory of prof. O.G. Vlokh | Article (PDF format) | 355 |