"Functional materials", Vol.16, No.4, 2009.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
page |
Characterization and properties | |
Transition from microstructures to nanostructures and ultimate hardening // S.A.Firstov, T.G.Rogul, O.A.Shut | Article (PDF format) | 364 |
Superlattice nanostructures based on chalcogenide semiconductors // A.Yu.Sipatov | Article (PDF format) | 374 |
The correlation between film structure and surface temperature // L.R.Shaginyan, I.V.Belousov, A.G.Sedlyar | Article (PDF format) | 384 |
The thermal expansion of single-walled carbon nanotubes at low temperatures // A.V.Dolbin | Article (PDF format) | 390 |
Effect of biatomic gas impurities on thermal expansion of fullerite C60 // A.V.Dolbin | Article (PDF format) | 399 |
Structure and magnetic state of films deposited by laser sputtering of nickel // A.G.Bagmut, I.G.Shipkova, V.A.Zhuchkov | Article (PDF format) | 405 |
Comparison of refractive indices of amorphous and crystalline As2S3 // V.K.Miloslavsky, E.D.Makovetsky | Article (PDF format) | 412 |
Phase transitions in the weak links system of granular YBa2Cu3O7-delta HTSC // T.V.Sukhareva, V.A.Finkel | Article (PDF format) | 418 |
Evolution of magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of sputtered NiFe/Cu/Co/Cu nanostructures under ageing and annealing // S.T.Roschenko, I.G.Shipkova, Yu.I.Chekrygina | Article (PDF format) | 424 |
Luminescence kinetics of crystals LSO co-doped with rare-earth elements // N.G.Starzhinsky, O.Ts.Sidletskiy, B.V.Grinyov, A.A.Masalov, Yu.V.Malyukin, K.A.Katrunov, I.M.Zenya, D.A.Kurtsev, V.G.Bondar | Article (PDF format) | 431 |
Relaxation processes in hard piezoelectric ceramics // D.V.Kuzenko, V.M.Ishchuk, A.I.Bazhin, N.A.Spiridonov | Article (PDF format) | 436 |
Diffusion-controlled excitation annihilation in Sr2CeO4 crystal // A.A.Masalov, O.G.Viagin, I.I.Ganina, Yu.V.Malyukin | Article (PDF format) | 442 |
Multilayer film heterostructures. Silicides // S.I.Sidorenko, Yu.N.Makogon, E.P.Pavlova, S.M Voloshko | Article (PDF format) | 445 |
Structure features and paramagnetic centres in oxide nanopowders // V.N.Shevchuk, D.I.Popovych, Yu.N.Usatenko, P.Yu.Demchenko, R.Ya.Serkiz | Article (PDF format) | 448 |
Dependence of sapphire hardness on loading type and orientation // A.B.Sinani, N.K.Dynkin, P.V.Konevskiy, L.A.Lytvynov | Article (PDF format) | 456 |
Effects of surfactants on the molecular aggregation of squaraine dye Sq-2Me in aqueous solutions // S.L.Yefimova, G.Ya.Guralchuk, A.S.Lebed', A.V.Sorokin, Yu.V.Malyukin, I.Yu.Kurilchenko | Article (PDF format) | 460 |
Colloidal synthesis and properties of lanthanide orthophosphate nanophosphors // V.K.Klochkov, N.S.Kavok, Yu.V.Malyukin, A.A.Masalov, O.G.Vyagin | Article (PDF format) | 466 |
Effects of liquid crystalline ordering on the luminescence spectra of model compounds with packing-sensitive molecular structure // L.N.Zavora, M.I.Serbina, N.A.Kasian, Yu.A. Gurkalenko, V.M.Shershukov, L.N.Lisetski | Article (PDF format) | 470 |
Efficiency improvement of polystyrene-based plastic scintillators // A.F.Adadurov, P.N.Zhmurin, V.N.Lebedev, V.D.Titskaya | Article (PDF format) | 475 |
Influence of <$E gamma>-irradiation on current-voltage characteristics of TlGaSe2 single crystal // A.A.Ismailov, N.D.Achmedzade, M.M.Shirinov, S.T.Aghalieva | Article (PDF format) | 481 |
Modeling and simulation | |
New phase inclusion growth control // T.V.Kulik | Article (PDF format) | 483 |
Monte-Carlo simulation of random hyperbranched polymers with flexible branches // M.Ratner | Article (PDF format) | 487 |
Technology | |
Magnetron sputtered coatings of AlN-TiCrB2 system // A.D.Panasyuk, I.A.Podchernyaeva, I.P.Neshpor, W.Gawalek, V.N.Ivanov | Article (PDF format) | 492 |
Transient mode features at sapphire growing by horizontal directional crystallization // S.V.Barannik, V.N.Kanischev, S.V.Nizhankovsky, A.M.Stepanenko | Article (PDF format) | 498 |
Scintillation material on the basis of BaxSr1-xI2:Eu solid solutions // N.V.Rebrova, V.L.Cherginets, N.N.Kosinov, T.V.Ponomarenko, T.P.Rebrova, I.N.Vjunnik, O.V.Zelenskaya | Article (PDF format) | 501 |
Portable radiation monitoring system on the base of CdWO4 scintillator // M.B.Kosmyna, B.P.Nazarenko, V.M.Puzikov, A.N.Shekhovtsov, B.V.Grinyov, Yu.A.Borodenko, Ye.M.Selegenev, V.D.Ryzhikov, L.A.Piven, V.A.Tarasov, Yu.S.Kozmin, V.V.Belogub, A.V.Didenko | Article (PDF format) | 505 |
Spherical phosphors Lu2O3:Eu coated with SiO2 shells // Yu.V.Yermolayeva | Article (PDF format) | 508 |
Synthesis of silicon dioxide hollow spheres // P.P.Gorbik, Yu.O. Demchenko, I.V.Dubrovin, G.N.Kashin | Article (PDF format) | 513 |
Synthesis of SiO2 matrices doped with some inorganic compounds // T.A.Blank, I.I.Ganina, Yu.V.Malyukin, L.P.Eksperiandova | Article (PDF format) | 517 |
In Memory | |
To 100th anniversary of Lev Palatnik | Article (PDF format) | 520 |
Author Index, Vol. 16, No.1-4 | Article (PDF format) | 521 |