"Functional materials", Vol.17, No.1, 2010.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
The second critical magnetic field of multilayered conductors with nano-layers of superconducting Nb-Ti alloys // V.P.Korzhov, A.V.Nikulov, V.N.Zverev | Article (PDF format) | 5 |
Paramagnet-to-ferromagnet and insulator-to-metal phase transitions in La0.88MnO2.95 // A.V.Lazuta, V.A.Ryzhov, V.P.Khavronin, Yu.P.Chernenkov, O.P.Smirnov, P.L.Molkanov, I.O.Troyanchuk, V.A.Khomchenko | Article (PDF format) | 11 |
Calorimetric and 23Na MAS NMR study of the phase diagram of NaNb1-xTaxO3 solid solutions // I.P.Aleksandrova, Yu.N.Ivanov, V.S.Bondarev, A.A.Sukhovskii, V.N.Voronov | Article (PDF format) | 18 |
Investigation of I127 NQR spectra of the mixed (BiI3)(1-n)•(PbI2)n semiconducting layered crystals // Yu.P.Gnatenko, A.I.Barabash, I.G.Vertegel, E.D.Chesnokov, A.I.Ovcharenko, S.V.Pogrebnyak | Article (PDF format) | 24 |
Properties of amorphous and crystalline surfaces of nano-hydroxyapatites // Yu.Sakhno, L.Bertinetti, G.Martra, S.Coluccia, A.Tampieri, N.Roveri | Article (PDF format) | 28 |
Magnetic oscillations of longitudinal sound in iron borate // V.I.Khizhnyi, V.V.Tarakanov, T.M.Khizhnaya | Article (PDF format) | 33 |
Radioluminescence mechanism of magnesium aluminate spinel in transparent ceramics // O.K.Tyutyunik, A.O.Moskvitin, Yu.G.Kazarinov, V.T.Gritsyna | Article (PDF format) | 41 |
Decrease of exciton radiation intensity in compensated gallium arsenide single crystals under influence of low electric field // A.D.Shtan'ko, M.B.Litvinova, V.V.Kurak | Article (PDF format) | 46 |
Control of polaron formation in J-aggregates // I.K.Katrunov, S.L.Yefimova, A.V.Sorokin, Yu.V.Malyukin | Article (PDF format) | 52 |
Thermal influence on magnetoelectric characteristics of yttrium iron garnet epitaxial films // V.E.Koronovskyy, B.Y.Scherbak | Article (PDF format) | 59 |
Porous Al and Cu structures as infrared signal enhancers // G.I.Dovbeshko, O.M.Fesenko, V.R.Romanyuk, V.I.Perekrestov, Yu.O.Kosminska, S.I.Kshnyakina | Article (PDF format) | 62 |
The ionoluminescence characteristics of quartz // O.Vasylchenko, N.Zheltopyatova, V.Zhurenko, <142>.Kalantaryan, S.Kononenko, V.Muratov, V.Filipenko | Article (PDF format) | 67 |
Influence of ion implantation on the phase transitions in Cu6PS5I superionic conductors // I.P.Studenyak, V.Yu.Izai, V.O.Stefanovich, V.V.Pan`ko, P.Kus, A.Plecenik | Article (PDF format) | 70 |
Optical properties of ZnS:Ni crystals obtained by diffusion doping // Yu.F.Vaksman, Yu.A.Nitsuk, V.V.Yatsun, Yu.N.Purtov, A.S.Nasibov, P.V.Shapkin | Article (PDF format) | 75 |
Peculiarities of optical absorption near-edge in irradiated GaP:Te // O.Konoreva, P.Litovchenko, V.Manzhara, V.Opilat, V.Tartachnyk | Article (PDF format) | 80 |
Thin film Si:Eu and Si:Y composites // V.M.Koval, Yu.S.Chechuga | Article (PDF format) | 85 |
Properties of functional DNA:PEDOT layers // V.Kazukauskas, A.Arlauskas, M.Pranaitis, O.Krupka, F.Kajzar, Z.Essaidi, B. Sahraoui | Article (PDF format) | 90 |
Modeling and simulation | |
On the binary melt crystallization in temperature field advancing with acceleration // V.N.Kanischev | Article (PDF format) | 95 |
Light collection simulation in the scintillation detectors of short-range radiation // V.A.Tarasov, I.V.Kilimchuk, Yu.T.Vyday | Article (PDF format) | 100 |
Technology | |
Synthesis of Y2O3 and Y2O3:Nd3+ monodisperse crystalline nanospheres by homogenous precipitation // Yu.I.Pazura, V.N.Baumer, T.G.Deyneka, O.M.Vovk, R.P.Yavetskiy | Article (PDF format) | 107 |
Development of back contact for CdS/CdTe thin-film solar cells // G.Khrypunov, A.Meriuts, N.Klyui, T.Shelest, N.Deyneko, N.Kovtun| Article (PDF format) | 114 |
Synthesis and properties of substituted ferrite-garnet films for one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals // V.N.Berzhansky, A.V.Karavainikov, E.T.Milyukova, T.V.Mikhailova, A.R.Prokopov, A.N.Shaposhnikov | Article (PDF format) | 120 |
X-Ray fluorescence determination of impurity traces using a secondary emitter and a solid-state detector // I.F.Mikhailov, A.A.Baturin, L.P.Fomina | Article (PDF format) | 127 |
Preparation of nanoporous n-InP(100) layers by electrochemical etching in HCI solution |
131 |
Доктору физ.мат. наук, профессору В.Д.Рыжикову – 70 лет| Article (PDF format) | 135 | Доктору физ.мат. наук А.В.Гектину – 60 лет| Article (PDF format) | 135 |