"Functional materials", Vol.17, No.2, 2019.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Metal - dielectric transition and temperature dependence of the pseudo-gap in YBa2Cu3O7-delta single crystals: effect of pressure and oxygen nonstoichiometry // A.A.Zavgorodniy, R.V. Vovk, M.A.Obolenskii, A.V.Samoilov, M.G.Revyakina, E.V.Biletskiy, V.M.Pinto Samoes| Article (PDF format) | 143 |
Electron structure of triple tetrahedral structures on the calcium hydroxyapatite basis // V.L.Karbovskii, S.S.Smolyak, A.P.Shpak, Yu.A.Zagorodniy, V.H.Kasiyanenko| Article (PDF format) | 151 |
The paramagnetic and luminescence properties of single-stage synthesized ZnS:Cu // Yu.Yu.Bacherikov, I.P.Vorona, A.A.Konchits, S.V.Optasyuk, S.V.Kozitskiy, K.D.Kardashov| Article (PDF format) | 158 |
Domain structure formation and evolution in epitaxial exchange-biased NiFe films with dislocation slip planes // V.S.Gornakov, V.I.Nikitenko, C.G.Lee| Article (PDF format) | 164 |
Nanocrystalline alloys with high magnetic properties and high temperature stability // N.I.Noskova, V.V.Shulika, A.P.Potapov| Article (PDF format) | 171 |
Interface properties of Bi-contained iron garnet films/GGG-substrates // V.N.Berzhansky, A.V.Karavainikov, E.T.Milyukova, A.R.Prokopov, A.N.Shaposhnikov| Article (PDF format) | 177 |
Application of the self-organization methods to interpret the Mossbauer spectra of Fe-N and Fe-C austenites // A.N.Timoshevskii, V.I.Yeremin, S.O.Yablonovskii| Article (PDF format) | 184 |
TlBr: Carrier transport as influenced by defects and Tl ion migration // V.Kazukauskas, A.Ziminskij, G.Davidyuk, V.Bozhko, G.Mironchuk| Article (PDF format) | 191 |
AFM study of instability of growing crystal surface morphology // N.N.Piskunova| Article (PDF format) | 196 |
Ferroelectricity in doped manganites // S.M.Dunaevsky| Article (PDF format) | 201 |
High speed dynamics of the domain wall in garnet films in the large in-plane magnetic fields // M.V.Chetkin, Yu.N.Kurbatova, T.B.Shapaeva| Article (PDF format) | 205 |
Optical properties of AlN/n-Si(111) films obtained by method of HF reactive magnetron sputtering // M.S.Zayats, V.G.Boiko, P.O.Gentsar, M.V.Vuichyk, O.S.Lytvyn, A.V.Stronski | Article (PDF format) | 209 |
Temperature dependences of optical and piezoelectric characteristics of ZnMgSe single crystals // Yu.A.Zagoruiko, N.O.Kovalenko, V.M.Puzikov, O.A.Fedorenko| Article (PDF format) | 213 |
Optical transmission and luminescence of gadolinium orthosilicate single crystals with cerium anf yttrium impurities // V.G.Bondar, B.P.Tsapenko, A.B.Tsapenko| Article (PDF format) | 217 |
Influence of titanium oxide addition on properties of lead zirconate titanate-nickel ferrite ceramics // V.M.Laletin, G.Srinivasan| Article (PDF format) | 221 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Crystallization of a binary melt under the sample spontaneous cooling-down // S.V.Barannik, V.N.Kanischev| Article (PDF format) | 224 |
Molecular dynamics of graphene preparation by mechanical exfoliation of a graphite surface // A.V.Khomenko, N.V.Prodanov| Article (PDF format) | 230 |
The influence of single barrier semimagnetic semiconductor spin filter on electrons spin polarization // G. V. Vertsimakha, S. B. Lev| Article (PDF format) | 238 |
Peculiarities of band gap width dependence upon concentration of the admixture strips randomly included in quasi-two-dimensional photonic crystal // V.V. Rumyantsev, S.A. Fedorov, E.Ya. Shtaerman| Article (PDF format) | 245 |
Technology | |
Influence of the irradiation doze and temperature on the flux of ejecting atoms during relief formation on Mg surface by Ar+ sputtering // I.N.Starshinov, I.A.Melnichuk| Article (PDF format) | 252 |
Implantation of a holographic structure and waveguide periodic structures formed by silver nanoparticles into AgCl-Ag film and quartz glass // K.S.Beloshenko, L.A.Ageev, V.K.Miloslavsky| Article (PDF format) | 256 |
Synthesis and optical properties of phosphate-borate-fluoride glasses doped with rare earth elements // K.N.Belikov, N.N.Grebenyuk, Ye.V.Grishina, N.L.Yegorova, Ye.A.Povrozin, S.N.Galkin| Article (PDF format) | 262 |