"Functional materials", Vol.17, No.3, 2010.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Structure solution problems for crystals containing planar defects at a high density // L.Olikhovska| Article (PDF format) | 275 |
Inductive detection of magnetoacoustic responses and domain-acoustic echo in magnetostrictive materials using a pulse NMR technique // G.I.Mamniashvili, Y.G.Sharimanov, T.O.Gegechkori, A.M.Akhalkatsi, A.M.Pohorily, O.M.Kuzmak| Article (PDF format) | 283 |
Dispersion of refractive index in thin films CdI2 and ZnI2 // O.N.Yunakova, V.K.Miloslavsky, E.N.Kovalenko| Article (PDF format) | 288 |
Luminescence properties of SrCl2-Eu microcrystals embedded in NaCl host // A.S.Pushak, V.V.Vistovskyy, S.V.Myagkota, T.M.Demkiv, O.T.Antonyak, J.R.Dacyuk, P.V.Savchyn, A.S.Voloshinovskii| Article (PDF format) | 294 |
Effect of heat treatment in Zn vapor on spectral kinetic, optical and mechanical properties of ZnSe(O,Te) crystals // L.P.Gal'chinetskii, K.A.Katrunov, A.I.Lalayants, A.D.Opolonin| Article (PDF format) | 300 |
XPS and ESR spectroscopy of ZrO2-Y2O3-Cr2O3 nanopowders // I.A.Yashchishyn, A.M.Korduban, V.V.Trachevskiy, T.E.Konstantinova, I.A.Danilenko, G.K.Volkova, I.K.Nosolev | Article (PDF format) | 306 |
Mechanisms of charge interactions in co-doped Lu2SiO5:Ce3+ crystals // A.Masalov, O.Viagin, I.Ganina, Yu.Malyukin| Article (PDF format) | 311 |
Ageing-dependent properties of ZnPc/C60 photovoltaic devices // V.Kazukauskas, A.Arlauskas, M.Pranaitis, R.Lessmann, M.Riede, K.Leo| Article (PDF format) | 317 |
ESR study of ScF3 crystals and the crystals of ScF3 based solid solutions // V.N.Voronov, E.A.Petrakovskaya, A.A.Alexandrovich| Article (PDF format) | 324 |
Dependence of magnetoelectric effect in layered lead zirconate-titanate / nickel heterostructures on the interface type // N.N.Poddubnaya, V.M.Laletin, A.I.Stognij, N.N.Novitskii| Article (PDF format) | 329 |
On the behavior of europium oxocompounds in molten CsI // V.L.Cherginets, T.P.Rebrova, Yu.N.Datsko, V.F. Goncharenko, K.N.Belikov, E.N.Kisil, Yu.I.Dolzhenko, N.N.Kosinov, E.E.Voronkina| Article (PDF format) | 334 |
Features of exciton localization in a single J-aggregate // I.K.Katrunov, S.L.Yefimova, A.V.Sorokin, Yu.V.Malyukin| Article (PDF format) | 340 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Electron structure of calcium and cadmium apatites // A.P.Soroka, V.L.Karbovskiy, V.H.Kasianenko| Article (PDF format) | 347 |
Dynamic properties of antiferromagnets in alternating magnetic and electric fields // V.S.Gerasimchuk, A.A.Shitov| Article (PDF format) | 355 |
Autostabilization of temperature in systems with combined magnetic and resistive transition under electric current flow // Yu.I.Dzhezherya, A.I.Tovstolytkin, E.S.Klymuk, L.S.Uspenskaya| Article (PDF format) | 363 |
Converse magnetoelectricity in asymmetric magnetoelectric structures // G.S. Radchenko, M.G. Radchenko| Article (PDF format) | 371 |
Mechanisms of local inhomogeneity of dopant concentration in Y2SiO5:Pr3+ nanocrystals // V.V.Seminko, A.A.Masalov, Yu.V.Malyukin, Yu.I.Boyko| Article (PDF format) | 375 |
Technology | |
Large size composite scintillators // N.L.Karavaeva, O.A.Tarasenko| Article (PDF format) | 379 |
Structure modification of carbon nitride films by heat treatment // V.N.Varyukhin, A.M.Prudnikov, A.I.Linnik, L.N.Olitsky, V.V.Burkhovetsky| Article (PDF format) | 386 |
Catalyst-free deposition of nanocolumnar carbon nitride films // R.V.Shalaev, A.N.Ulyanov, A.M.Prudnikov, V.N.Varyukhin| Article (PDF format) | 391 |
Thermochemical etching of sapphire in CO+H2 gas atmosphere // Kh.Sh.-ogly Kaltaev, N.S.Sidelnikova, A.Ya.Dan`ko, A.T.Budnikov, S.V.Nizhankovsky| Article (PDF format) | 395 |
Purification of raw material for cesium iodide single crystals and impurity concentration by low-temperature directional crystallization // L.P.Eksperiandova| Article (PDF format) | 401 |
Letter to Editors | |
Novel material for active elements of lasers tunable in 4-5 mkm range: Fe2+:Zn1-xMgxSe single crystals // Yu.A.Zagoruiko, N.O.Kovalenko, O.A.Fedorenko, A.S.Gerasimenko| Article (PDF format) | 404 |