"Functional materials", Vol.17, No.4, 2010.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
page |
Characterization and properties | |
Scintillation crystals based on solid solutions of oxyorthosilicates // O.Sidletskiy| Article (PDF format) | 414 |
The study of the dislocation resonance in |
421 |
Correlation between Arrhenius equation parameters concerning to Cd(Zn)Te melting and crystallization process // L.P.Shcherbak, O.V.Kopach| Article (PDF format) | 425 |
Morphology and optical properties of films with magnetite nanoparticles // O.Korovyanko, N.Dmitruk, S.Mamykin, M.Sytnyk, O.Lytvyn, P.Fochuk| Article (PDF format) | 429 |
Luminescent properties of rhodamine 6G dye in silica sol-gel matrices // O.N.Bezkrovnaya, I.M.Pritula, V.V.Maslov, V.M.Puzikov, M.I.Kolybayeva, A.V.Kosinova, Yu.A.Gurkalenko, A.V.Lopin | Article (PDF format) | 433 |
Structural evolution of ZrO2-Y2O3 xerogels under high hydrostatic pressure // O.A.Gorban, S.A.Sinyakina, Yu.O.Kulik, T.A.Ryumshina, S.V.Gorban, I.A.Danilenko, T.E.Konstantinova| Article (PDF format) | 438 |
The nature of trapping centers in amorphous biphenyl containing polymer // A.F.Adadurov, A.I.Bedrik, E.C.Velmozhnaya, P.N.Zhmurin, V.N.Lebedev, V.D.Titskaya | Article (PDF format) | 444 |
Effects of UV radiation on selective reflection and dielectric properties of cholesterol ester mixtures with photoactive nematics // M.I.Serbina, L.N.Lisetski, I.A.Gvozdovskyy, A.V.Koval'chuk, G.S.Chilaya| Article (PDF format) | 449 |
Aggregates of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in nematic liquid crystal dispersions: experimental evidence and a physical picture // S.S.Minenko, L.N.Lisetski, A.I.Goncharuk, N.I.Lebovka, V.V.Ponevchinsky, M.S.Soskin| Article (PDF format) | 454 |
Phase diagram and optical properties of liquid crystalline binary cobalt caprylate - lanthanum caprylate liquid crystal system // I.I.Tokmenko, T.A.Mirnaya, G.G.Yaremchuk| Article (PDF format) | 460 |
Optical and photoelectrical properties of Langmuir-Blodgett diphthalocyanine thin films // A.V.Alpatova, S.G.Yudin, V.V.Lazarev, Y.A.Draginda, A.V.Kazak, S.P.Palto| Article (PDF format) | 465 |
The binding ability and solvation properties of cationic spherical polyelectrolyte brushes as studied using acid-base and solvatochromic indicators // N.A.Vodolazkaya, N.O.Mchedlov-Petrossyan, E.Yu.Bryleva, S.V.Biletskaya, M.Schrinner, L.V.Kutuzova, M.Ballauff| Article (PDF format) | 470 |
Modeling and simulation | |
New vortex structures in the two-dimensional hydrodynamic // A.V.Tur, K.N.Kulik, V.V.Yanovsky| Article (PDF format) | 477 |
The complex heat exchange model at growing of large alkali halide crystals // A.V.Kolesnikov, V.I.Deshko, Yu.V.Lokhmanets, A.Ya.Karvatskii, I.K.Kirichenko| Article (PDF format) | 483 |
Technology | |
Anisotropy of sapphire properties associated with chemical-mechanical polishing with silica // A.T.Budnikov, E.A.Vovk, S.I.Krivonogov, A.Ya.Danko, O.A.Lukiyenko | Article (PDF format) | 488 |
Growth and optical properties of Al2O3-delta:Nxcrystals // Kh.Sh.-ogly Kaltaev, N.S.Sidelnikova, S.V.Nizhankovsky, A.Ya.Dan`ko, A.T.Budnikov| Article (PDF format) | 495 |
Growing of 106CdWO4, |
504 |
Comparison of the quality of Bi12GeO20 crystals grown by the conventional and low-temperature-gradient Czochralski techniques // V.N.Shlegel, D.S.Pantsurkin| Article (PDF format) | 509 |
Dependence of PbMoO4 crystal damage threshold on Nd3+ concentration and method of doping // V.N.Baumer, Yu.N.Gorobets, L.V.Gudzenko, M.B.Kosmyna, B.P.Nazarenko, V.M.Puzikov, A.N.Shekhovtsov, Z.V.Shtitelman| Article (PDF format) | 515 |
Synthesis, morphological and structural properties of bio-SiC ceramics // V.O.Yukhymchuk, V.S.Kiselev, A.E.Belyaev, M.V.Chursanova, M.Danailov, M.Ya.Valakh| Article (PDF format) | 520 |
Modified potassium-sodium niobate based lead-free piezoceramics // L.G.Gusakova, V.M.Ishchuk, N.G.Kisel, D.V.Kuzenko, N.A.Spiridonov| Article (PDF format) | 528 |
Some peculiarities of the use of sapphire light guides in metallurgy // L.F.Zhukov, L.A.Lytvynov| Article (PDF format) | 533 |
Sol-gel processing of transparent Lu2O3:Eu3+ phosphor films // N.V.Babayevskaya, A.S.Bezkrovnyi, P.V.Mateychenko, O.M.Vovk, R.P.Yavetskiy| Article (PDF format) | 537 |
Optimization of sol-gel synthesis conditions for producing of silica monoliths promising for chromatography: sorption kinetics and mechanical stability // A.P.Boichenko, A.M.Frolova, O.Yu.Konovalova, L.P.Loginova| Article (PDF format) | 543 |
Combined composite scintillation detector for separate measurements of fast and thermal neutrons // N.L.Karavaeva, N.Z.Galunov, E.V.Martynenko, A.V.Kosinova| Article (PDF format) | 549 |
Single-crystal silicon solar cell efficiency increase in magnetic field // R.V.Zaitsev, V.R.Kopach, M.V.Kirichenko, E.O.Lukyanov, G.S.Khrypunov, V.N.Samofalov| Article (PDF format) | 554 |
Author Index, Vol. 17, 1-4, 2010| Article (PDF format) |
558 |