"Functional materials", Vol.18, No.2, 2011.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Dispersions of carbon nanotubes in nematic liquid crystals: effects of nanotube geometry // L.N.Lisetski, A.M.Chepikov, S.S.Minenko, N.I.Lebovka, M.S.Soskin| Article (PDF format) | 143 |
Contrast enhancement of X-ray fluorescence spectra using the secondary two-layer radiator // I.F.Mikhailov, A.A.Baturin, A.I.Mikhailov, S.S.Borisova| Article (PDF format) | 150 |
Structure formation processes induced by the ion sputtering in anisotropic system with additive noise // V.O.Kharchenko| Article (PDF format) | 156 |
Thermal prehistory and electrical properties of tungstate crystals // V.N.Shevchuk, I.V.Kayun| Article (PDF format) | 165 |
XRD studies of surface layers in sapphire substrates of <101Bar2> crystalloghaphic orientation // V.F.Tkachenko, O.A.Lukienko, A.T.Budnikov, E.A.Vovk, S.I.Krivonogov, A.Ya.Dan`ko| Article (PDF format) | 171 |
Plasma treatment of Cd1-xZnxTe (x ~ 0.04) single crystals // A.B.Smirnov| Article (PDF format) | 176 |
The solubility region of Ga in PbTe films prepared on Si-substrates by modified "hot wall" technique // A.M.Samoylov, S.V.Belenko, E.A.Dolgopolova, A.M.Khoviv, Y.V.Synorov| Article (PDF format) | 181 |
Analysis of influence of hydrogen pressure on kinetics of hydrogen-induced direct phase transformation in Nd2Fe14B type magnetic alloy // S.B.Rybalka| Article (PDF format) | 189 |
Investigation of vibration anharmonicity in the crystal lattice of the mixed composition apatites // V.L.Karbivskyy, A.P.Shpak, N.A.Kurgan, V.V.Vishnyak, O.P.Dimitriev, V.H.Kasiyanenko| Article (PDF format) | 195 |
Size distribution of sapphire fragments in shock fragmentation // R.Ye.Brodskii, P.V.Konevskiy, R.I.Safronov| Article (PDF format) | 200 |
Study on radiation sensitivity of SrCl2-K crystals // Z.P.Chornyi, I.B.Pirko, V.M.Salapak| Article (PDF format) | 206 |
Production methods of induced pyroactive structures with functionally significant properties // V.F.Kosorotov, L.V.Shchedrina| Article (PDF format) | 211 |
Gamma-ray-induced decrease of L-defect concentration in KDP single crystals // A.N.Levchenko, I.M.Pritula, V.B.Tyutyunnik, A.P.Gavrik, O.T.Nikolov| Article (PDF format) | 216 |
Effect of the reaction mixture composition on CdS/L-cys nanoparticles optical properties // O.V.Krupko, G.M.Okrepka, L.P.Shcherbak| Article (PDF format) | 224 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Characteristics of surface waves in LHM-ferrite-semiconductor waveguides // H.M.Mousa, M.M.Abadla, M.M.Shabat| Article (PDF format) | 230 |
The influence of bulk absorption of substance on the threshold of destruction by the intensive pulse of electromagnetic radiation // A.D.Suprun, L.V.Shmeleva, M.A.Razumova| Article (PDF format) | 237 |
Localization of polymer chains in the system of two penetrable interfaces // I. V. Gerasimchuk | Article (PDF format) | 244 |
Technology | |
Effect of CO32- and OH- impurities on thermal growing conditions of large-size NaI:Tl crystals and their quality // K.A.Kudin, A.V.Kolesnikov, B.G.Zaslavsky, A.M.Kudin, A.I.Mitichkin, S.I.Vasetsky, A.Yu.Voloshko, D.S.Sofronov, O.V.Shishkin| Article (PDF format) | 254 |
Interaction of hydrogen with lattice defects in ZnSe(X) crystals // L.P.Gal'chinetskii, A.I.Lalayants, G.M.Onishchenko, S.N.Galkin, M.V.Dobrotvorskaya, R.F.Kamalieddin | Article (PDF format) | 259 |
Features of synthesis of Ti-Si-N coatings by condensation of vacuum arc plasma with a composite cathode // I.I.Aksenov, V.A.Belous, Yu.A.Zadneprovskiy, N.S.Lomino, O.V.Sobol| Article (PDF format) | 266 |
Intresting | |
On the words used as names for ruby and sapphire // L.A.Lytvynov| Article (PDF format) | 274 |
Personalia | |
Л.Н.Лисецкому - 60 лет| Article (PDF format) | 278 |