"Functional materials", Vol.18, No.4, 2011.
Contents | Contents (PDF format)> |
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Characterization and properties | |
Carbyne as a cluster nanoallotropic form of carbon // N.I.Slipchenko, V.G.Udovitsky | Article (PDF format) | 411 |
Conductivity anisotropy in Y1-zPrzBa2Cu3O7-delta single crystals with different praseodymium content // R.V.Vovk, Z.F.Nazyrov, M.A.Obolenskii , A.A.Zavgorodniy, V.M.Pinto Simoes | Article (PDF format) | 423 |
Structure and ionic conductivity of the PEO-containing triblock copolymers forming intramolecular polycomplexes // S.V.Fedorchuk, T.B.Zheltonozhskaya, E.M.Shembel, L.R.Kunitskaya, I.M.Maksuta, Y.P.Gomza | Article (PDF format) | 428 |
Afterglow suppression in | 438 |
Study of scintillation properties of cerium-doped yttrium bromide // V.L.Cherginets, T.P.Rebrova, T.V.Ponomarenko, O.A.Tarasenko, N.N.Kosinov, O.V.Zelenskaya, Yu.I.Dolzhenko | Article (PDF format) | 442 |
Nanocrystalline zinc and cadmium tungstates: morphology, luminescent and scintillation properties // A.G.Yakubovskaya, K.A.Katrunov, I.A.Tupitsyna, N.G.Starzhinskiy, L.L.Nagornaya, A.V.Zhukov, I.M.Zenya, V.N.Baumer, O.M.Vovk | Article (PDF format) | 446 |
Morphology and luminescence properties of nanocomposites films on the base of poly(n-vinylcarbzole) and semiconductor nanocrystals CdSe/ZnS // O.O.Matvienko, Yu.N.Savin, O.S.Kryzhanovska, O.M.Vovk, M.V.Dobrotvorska | Article (PDF format) | 452 |
Emission characteristics of donor-acceptor pairs in ZnSe and CdS crystals // V.I.Oleshko, S.S.Vilchinskaya, V.M.Lisitsyn, V.I.Korepanov | Article (PDF format) | 457 |
Thermally stable antireflection coatings for active elements of ZnMgSe:Cr2+-laser: preparation and properties // V.A.Khristyan, Yu.A.Zagoruiko, N.O.Kovalenko, P.V.Mateychenko, D.S.Sofronov | Article (PDF format) | 462 |
Features of 1,4-diphenyl-butadiene distribution in p-terphenyl crystal lattice // S.V.Budakovsky, N.Z.Galunov, I.V.Lazarev, V.V.Vashchenko, E.V.Vashchenko, A.S.Vlasenko, V.L.Volkov | Article (PDF format) | 466 |
Plastic scintillator with gadolinium phenylpropionate // A.I.Bedrik, Ye.S.Velmozhnaya, P.N.Zhmurin, A.F.Adadurov, V.N.Lebedev, V.D.Titskaya | Article (PDF format) | 470 |
Thermal conductivity of pure and Cr3+ and Ti3+ doped Al2O3 crystals in 50-300 K temperature range // P.A.Popov, V.D.Solomennik, P.V.Belyaev, L.A.Lytvynov, V.M.Puzikov | Article (PDF format) | 476 |
Structure perfection of sapphire single crystals grown by HOC method in reducing atmosphere // V.F.Tkachenko, O.A.Lukienko, A.T.Budnikov, E.A.Vovk, S.I.Krivonogov | Article (PDF format) | 481 |
FRET between cyanine dyes in nanopores of bulk sol-gel silica matrix // B.A.Gnap, I.I.Bespalova, S.L.Yefimova, A.V.Sorokin | Article (PDF format) | 487 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of ZnS crystal doped by Mn and Cu substitution atoms // S.V.Syrotyuk, V.M.Shved | Article (PDF format) | 493 |
Modeling and simulation | |
Dependence of minority charge carriers lifetime on point defects type and their concentration in single-crystal silicon // R.V.Zaitsev, V.R.Kopach, M.V.Kirichenko, A.N.Doroshenko, G.S.Khrypunov | Article (PDF format) | 497 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of heat radiation conduction in dielectric media // Yu.P.Virchenko, M.A.Saprykin | Article (PDF format) | 504 |
Transverse magnetic mode nonlinear waveguide slab optical sensor utilizing left-handed materials // Sofyan A.Taya, Hala J.El-Khozondar, Mohammed M.Shabat, Emad M.Mehjez | Article (PDF format) | 512 |
517 | |
Technology | |
Formation of nano- and microparticles CdS from thiourea solutions // D.S.Sofronov, E.M.Sofronova, V.N.Baumer, K.A.Kudin, O.M.Vovk, P.V.Mateychenko | Article (PDF format) | 523 |
Condensation mechanism of AgCl and NaCl island films on a nickel substrate // N.T.Gladkikh , S.V.Dukarov, V.N.Sukhov, I.G.Churilov | Article (PDF format) | 529 |
Devices and instruments | |
New approach to grain boundaries detection in polycrystalline materials by scratching of sample's surface // E.E.Badiyan, A.G.Tonkopryad, O.V.Shekhovtsov, R.V.Shurinov, D.V.Dibrova | Article (PDF format) | 534 |
Особливості перекладу науково-технічних текстів у галузі радіаційної техніки // Б.В.Гриньов, В.Р.Любинський, Н.І.Молчанова, Л.А.Ламааши | Article (PDF format) | 539 |
Personalia | |
Н.З.Галунову - 60 лет | Article (PDF format) | 403 | Author Index, Vol. 18, 1<196>4, 2011 | Article (PDF format) | 403 |