Charge separation in molecular systems with strong donor
and acceptor substitutes

S.L. Efimova, Yu.V. Malyukin

Institute for Single Crystals, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine,60 Lenin Ave., 310001 Kharkiv, Ukraine

 Experimental investigation of absorption and luminescence
spectra of 2-pyrazoline and 1,8-naphthoylene-1',2'-benzimidazole (NBI)
derivatives having strong electron-donor and electron-acceptor substitutes
in the conjugation chain was carried out in aprotonic solutions of
various polarity. For some luminophors in a high-polar solvent, the
anomalous two-band luminescence is found. The relative intensity of
observed bands has been found to be defined by the solvent polarity,
as well as by substitutes acceptor and donor strength.  Two-band luminescence
of 2-pyrazoline derivatives is caused by suppression of electron interactions
in a biphluorophoric molecule induced by a polar solvent as well as
an acceptor substitutes, while for NBI derivatives observed luminescence
features are associated with TICT-state formation.

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