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Articles presented at International Conference "Functional Materials" October 1–5, 2001, Partenit, Crimea, Uktraine | |
New scintillation materials and new trends in their applications (a review) // M.Globus, B.Grinyov, V.Lyubinski, M.Ratner, Yu.Zorenko | Abstract | 6 |
Diamagnetic probe method in study of covalence effects in chromium chalcogenide spinels // V.N.Berzhansky, Yu.V.Sorokin | Abstract | 18 |
Reversible martensitic transition in Ni-Fe-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys in high magnetic field // A.A.Cherechukin, I.E.Dikshtein, A.V.Glebov, E.P.Krasnoperov, V.G.Shavrov, T.Takagi | Abstract | 23 |
Structure and properties of magnetically soft magnesium-manganese-zinc ferrite solutions (Mg0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4)1–x(Mn0.6Zn0.3Fe2.1O4)x // V.P.Pashchenko, V.A.Turchenko, V.N.Derkachenko, A.A.Shemyakov, V.K.Prokopenko,S.I.Zakharchenko, E.G.Kravtsov | Abstract | 28 |
Effect of post-synthesis annealing on microstructure and magnetotransport of polycrystalline Sm0.7Sr0.3MnO3 // G.V.Bondarkova, E.I.Getman, S.N.Loboda, V.I.Silantiev, A.I.Tovstolytkin | Abstract | 33 |
Creep in magnetic shape memory Ni2MnGa alloy under constant magnetic field // N.Glavatska, I.Glavatsky | Abstract | 37 |
Electronic phase separation in manganites induced by Cu-doping // A.I.Tovstolytkin, A.N.Pogorily, V.V.Kotov, S.V.Cherepov | Abstract | 41 |
Optical properties of laser treated rapidly-quenched Fe–Cr–B ribbons // L.V.Poperenko, I.V.Yurgelevych, M.I.Zakharenko | Abstract | 46 |
Ellipsometric research of copper mirrors in infrared region // L.V.Poperenko, T.Lohner | Abstract | 50 |
Photoionization peculiarities of Fe2+ impurity centers in doped LiNbO3 crystals // S.V.Yevdokimov, A.V.Yatsenko | Abstract | 55 |
High-porous cellular metals // V.Soolshenko, A.Leonov, S.Solonin, V.Katashinski, I.Slys, A.Rutkovski, V.Barabash, V.Skorokhod | Abstract | 59 |
Stability of intercalant phases in graphite intercalated by metal chlorides // L.Vovchenko, L.Matzui, I.Ovsienko | Abstract | 63 |
Frequency dependence of Cotton-Mouton acoustic effect in iron borate // M.B.Strugatsky, K.M.Skibinsky, V.V.Tarakanov, V.I.Khizhny | Abstract | 68 |
Effect of pressure on magnetic state of iron borate // M.B.Strugatsky, S.V.Yagupov | Abstract | 72 |
Thermoelastic martensitic transformation in ferromagnetic materials and their superelastic properties // L.P.Gunko, G.A.Takzei, A.N.Titenko | Abstract | 75 |
To the problem of electrically thin magnetic absorber // S.N.Starostenko | Abstract | 79 |
Calculation of electronic polarizabilities and effective charges of ions in pyroelectric a-LiIO3 crystals // S.N.Khrykina, A.V.Yatsenko | Abstract | 86 |
STM study of magnetic field influence on the structure of a ferromagnetic Ni–Mn–Ga alloy // Yu.I.Gorobets, V.V.Kokorin, V.I.Silantiev, Yu.I.Dzhezherya, G.V.Bondarkova, V.N.Zakharchenko, A.N.Brukva | Abstract | 90 |
Optimization of functional parameters of ferromagnetic bead of magnetic filter — lattice of ferromagnetic balls // S.V.Gorobets, O.Yu.Gorobets | Abstract | 93 |
New method of measurement of magnetic susceptibility of microobjects // I.S.Guliy, S.V.Gorobets, O.Yu.Gorobets, M.V.Sorokin | Abstract | 97 |
Large-spin nanocluster systems induced by time-dependent magnetic field // D.I.Plokhov, A.K.Zvezdin | Abstract | 101 |
Simulation of dark field optical imaging of magnetic nanoparticles // V.I.Belotelov, A.S.Logginov, A.V.Nikolaev | Abstract | 105 |
Properties of diamond films obtainedv in a glow discharge under laser irradiation // V.N.Varyukhin, R.V.Shalaev, A.M.Prudnikov | Abstract | 111 |
Domain structure of epitaxial garnet ferrite films with increased coercive force // R.M.Mikherskii, S.V.Dubinko, V.G.Vishnevskii, A.S.Nedviga, A.R.Prokopov | Abstract | 115 |
Numerical simulation of images in nonlinear magneto-optical observation // V.I.Belotelov, A.P.Pyatakov, A.K.Zvezdin, V.A.Kotov | Abstract | 119 |
Static and dynamic properties of "thin" structure domain walls in rare earth ortho-ferrites // E.G.Ekomasov, M.A.Shabalin, O.B.Gaeva | Abstract | 125 |
Study of functional materials by NMR dipolar echoes // P.Bilski, N.A.Sergeev, J.Wasicki | Abstract | 130 |
Absolute light yield of ZnSe(Te) and ZnSe(Te,O) // V.Ryzhikov, N.Starzhinskiy, K.Katrunov, L.Gal'chinetskiy | Abstract | 135 |
Effect of isovalent dopants upon spectral-kinetic characteristics of ZnSe crystals // V.D.Ryzhikov, N.G.Starzhinskiy, L.P.Gal'chinetskii, V.A.Tarasov, O.V.Zelenskaya, V.I.Silin, K.A.Katrunov, V.V.Chernikov | Abstract | 139 |
Effects of annealing in zinc vapor upon the electron spectrum formation of ZnSe(Te)-based scintillators // V.Ryzhikov, N.Starzhinskiy, K.Katrunov, L.Gal'chinetskii, I.Rybalka | Abstract | 143 |
Thermodynamic analysis of oxidation processes of wide-band AIIBVI compounds in ozone atmosphere // Yu.A.Zagoruiko, N.O.Kovalenko, Yu.A.Nesterenko, O.A.Fedorenko | Abstract | 148 |
Effect of component migration on scintillation characteristics of polystyrene compositions // A.Yu.Borisenko, V.G.Senchishin, V.D.Titskaya, V.S.Koba | Abstract | 151 |
Structure state evolution and destruction of ruby crystals under laser radiation // M.E.Bosin, I.F.Zvyagintseva, V.N.Zvyagintsev, F.F.Lavrentyev, V.N.Nikiforenko | Abstract | 154 |