Funct. Mater. 2013; 20 (2): 208-216.

Effect of transverse and longitudinal magnetic field on the excess conductivity of YBa2Cu3–zAlzO7–δ single crystals with a given topology of plane defects

R.V.Vovk[1], Z.F.Nazyrov[1], G.Ya.Khadzhai[1], V.M.Pinto Simoes[2,3], V.V.Kruglyak[4]

[1]V.Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svoboda Sq., 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
[2]Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III Convento Espirito Santo,8100-641 Loule, Portugal
[3]IPA_Instituto Superior Autonomo de Estudos Politecnicos, Rua de Xabregas, 20, 1° 1900-440 Lisboa, Portugal
[4]University of Exeter, Stocker road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom


The effect of a constant magnetic field to 12.7 kOe on the temperature dependences of electric conductivity of aluminum-doped YBaCuO single crystals with a system of unidirectional twinning boundaries has been investigated. It is determined that the twinning boundaries are effective centers of scattering of fluctuation carriers. Directly near Tc the temperature dependences of the excess paraconductivity are satisfactorily described by the Hikami-Larkin theoretical model of fluctuation conductivity for layered superconducting systems. The reasons for the suppression of three-dimensional superconducting fluctuations and the nonmonotonic dependence of ε c(0,H) in weak magnetic fields with the magnetic field vector oriented along c axis were discussed. It was shown that the lack of fan-shaped expansion of the resistive transitions in the magnetic field in these samples is conditioned by the lack of the no pinning vortex liquid phase due to increased pinning of the vortex lattice at the twin boundaries.


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