Funct. Mater. 2014; 21 (2): 142-145.

The investigation of luminescence properties of nitride-based heterostructures, containing superlattice

E.A.Menkovich, A.V.Solomonov, S.A.Tarasov, P.A.Yurgin

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", 5 Prof.Popov Str., 197376 St. Petersburg, Russia


The effect of superlattice adding on the luminescence properties of heterostructures based on (Al,In,Ga)N was investigated. It is shown that using structures with two superlattices: the InGaN/InGaN under active region and the AlGaN/GaN as a top p-layer gives the best effect. The elastic stresses on heterointerface of these structure are compensated optimally. As a result they are the most effective and stable functionality.


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