Funct. Mater. 2014; 21 (2): 171-175.

Investigation of damaged layer formed at mechanical treatment of sapphire using three-crystal X-ray diffraction method

V.F.Tkachenko, S.I.Kryvonogov, A.T.Budnikov, O.A.Lukienko, E.A.Vovk

Institute for Single Crystals, STC "Institute for Single Crystals", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 60 Lenin Ave., 61001 Kharkiv, Ukraine


The methods of three-crystal X-ray diffractometry were used for investigating structure perfection in surface-adjacent damaged layer (DL) formed in the process of mechanical and chemical-mechanical treatment of sapphire crystals with the surface orientation {0001} {11-20}. Analysis of the diffraction reflection curves made it possible to establish the structure and character of distortions in the DL. There was established the mean-square disorientation between the fragments, which allowed to characterize the defects structure of the surface-adjacent DL.


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