Funct. Mater. 2014; 21 (4): 467-471.
Morphology of lead sulfide crystalline particles in size-limited state
Institute for Single Crystals, STS "Institute for Single Crystals", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 60 Lenin Ave., 61001 Kharkiv, Ukraine
Monocrystalline PbS particles of cubic structure ranging in size from 3 to 500 nm, were obtained. Influence of growth conditions on the final particles size and dispersion of lead sulfide nanocrystals, as well as effects of nanocrystals size on their shape have been studied. It was found that increasing of monocrystalline particles size more than 12 nm leads to transition of shape from spherical to cubic, that indicate predominance of surface energy influence on equilibrium geometry of nanocrystals.
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