Funct. Mater. 2016; 23 (3): 414-419.

Investigation of effect of viscosity on crystallization ability of spodumene glass-ceramic materials

O.Savvova, O.Babich, G.Shadrina, M.Kuriakin, A.Grivtsova

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic of Institute", 21 Frunze Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine


The influence of viscosity on crystallization ability, which determines strength properties of protective spodumene glass-ceramic materials, has been studied. It has been established that formation of volume-crystallized structure in lithium-aluminosilicate glasses in conditions of two-stage thermal treatment in the viscosity range of 109 Paps allows provision of mechanical properties required to obtain resistance against the action of energy-destructive factors. Obtained results may be used in developing glass-ceramic materials for modern composite armor.

glass-ceramic materials, viscosity, crystallization ability, spodumene, strength, composite armor.

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