Funct. Mater. 2018; 25 (2): 225-233.


Luminescence of praseodymium doped perovskite - like SrLa4Ti5O17 under excitation with VUV and UV synchrotron radiation

S.G.Nedilko, V.Chumak, Yu.Titov

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13 Volodymyrska Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine


The wide-band complex spectra of intrinsic luminescence of undoped SrLa4Ti5O17 compounds are found in range of 350-1100 nm under excitation by the light from ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet range (50-334 nm) of synhrotron radiation. The possible origines of the observed luminescence are associated with peculiarities of the structure of the layered perovskite-like SrLa4Ti5O17 compound. So, three luminescence components of the intrinsic luminescence peaked near ~ 530, ~ 830, and ~ 1100 nm have been attributed to the radiation decay of excitons localized on (TiO6)8- molecular groups of three ypes in the lattice of SrLa4Ti5O17. The luminescent features related with 4f→4f and 4f5d→4f radiation transitions in Pr3+ ions are found in addition to mentioned intrinsic emission for the SrLa4Ti5O17 compound doped with Pr3+ ions. Obtained results show the prospects of the SrLa4Ti5O17 compounds doped with Pr3+ ions to be used as luminophores of wide emission spectra.

perovskite, titanate, praseodymium ion, intrinsic, luminescence.

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