Funct. Mater. 2019; 26 (1): 23-26.


Structure and optical properties of CdS polycrystalline layers for solar cells based on CdS/CdTe

G.S.Khrypunov, G.I.Kopach, A.I.Dobrozhan, R.P.Mygushchenko, O.V.Kropachek, V.M.Lyubov

National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, 2 Kirpichov Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine


Thin CdS films about 200-500 nm thick with stable hexagonal modification with 85-80 % transparency value respectively in the visible and infrared spectrum regions were investigated. The use of the FTO sublayer to obtain heterosystem glass/FTO/CdS by magnetron sputtering does not affect the phase composition of the cadmium sulfide layer and the width of the band gap (Eg = 2.42-2.44 eV). Cadmium sulfide thin films, obtained by direct current magnetron sputtering, can be used as a layer of a wide window layer in thin-film solar cells based on the CdS/CdTe heterosystem.

cadmium sulfide, direct current magnetron sputtering, thin films, structures, optical properties.

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