Funct. Mater. 2019; 26 (1): 48-53.


The effect of X-ray irradiation on ultrasound attenuation and velocity in LiF single crystals

O.M.Petchenko1, G.O.Petchenko1, S.M.Boiko2, A.S.Litvinenko1

1O.Beketov National University of Urban Economy, 17 Marshal Bazhanov Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
2M.Zhukovskiy National Aerospace University, 17 Chkalov Str., 61000 Kharkiv, Ukraine


Using the pulsed method at a frequency of 7,5 MHz, the dependences of dislocation absorption and ultrasound velocity in LiF single crystals with residual deformation ε = 0,65 % at T = 300 K in the dose range of 0-1057 R were investigated. It has been established that, under conditions of crystals' irradiation with X-rays, the concentration of radiation centers fixing easily mobile dislocations significantly increases. As a result of limiting these dislocations' number, the attenuation of ultrasound decreases sharply, and its propagation velocity in the sample increases.

irradiation, ultrasound attenuation and velocity, density of highly mobile dislocations, average effective length of a dislocation segment, deformation, radiation pinning centers.

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