Funct. Mater. 2019; 26 (1): 58-64.
Low-temperature synthesis of condensed zinc and cobalt (II) phosphate solid solution with the given anion structure
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Geroev Oborony Str., 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
The anionic composition of heat treatment products of crystalline hydrates of the general formula Zn1-xCox(H2PO4)2·2H2O (0 < x < 1.00) under isothermal conditions is determined. Quantitative dependences of the content of condensed phosphates with different anion structure (linear and cyclic) and phosphate acids, which released as intermediate products, on the temperature regime and roasting duration were established. The influence of cation nature is shown. The conditions of the formation and thermal stability of everyone linear condensed phosphates with n = 2-8 and the solid solution of cyclotetraphosfates of the composition Zn1-xCoxP4O12 (0 < x < 1.00) are concretized.
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