Funct. Mater. 2021; 28 1: 170-177.


Development of alloy resistant in conditions of abrasive wear

T.P.Hovorun1, K.V.Berladir1, O.A.Bilous1, O.I.Lyubich1, S.I.Vorobiov2

1Sumy State University, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine 2Institute of Physics, P.J.Safarik University in Kosice, 2 Srobarova Str., 04154 Kosice, Slovakia


Using the method of mathematical planning of the experiment, the composition of surfacing metal containing carbon, titanium, and yttrium was developed, and the calculation of the components of flux-cored wire for surfacing products operating under conditions of abrasive wear was carried out. The influence of elemental composition on wear resistance of surfacing metal with different constant contents of elements for the optimal composition was investigated. The optimal composition of the alloy for surfacing was determined.

wear resistance, surfacing metal, flux-cored wire, mathematical modeling, optimal composition, charge, component.
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