Funct. Mater. 2021; 28 (2): 353-358.


The tensile strength attenuation law of compound geomembrane materials with hygrothermal aging experiment

Yi He1, Xiaomin Jia1, Min Zhang2

1Civil Engineering Department, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Henan, 471023 Luoyang, China 2Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research, Henan, 450003 Zhengzhou, China


The rule of change in tensile strength depending on the exposure time during hygrothermal aging is obtained. Based on the Arrhenius thermal aging model, a model was created to predict the weakening of the tensile strength of a complex geomembrane due to hygrothermal aging, when the value of the longitudinal tensile strength decreased to fifty percent of the initial value. The results show that the discrepancy between the predicted tensile strength model and the value obtained in practice under similar conditions is 8.19 %.

compound geomembrane, hygrothermal ageing experiment, tensile strength, failure criterion.
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