Funct. Mater. 2023; 30 (1): 65-73.


Comparing of the characteristics of thermal spray coating technologies: air-fuel detonation aluminum spraying onto steel with other technologies

K.V.Korytchenko1, V.Yu.Kucherskyi1, R.Y.Krasnoshapka1, D.P.Dubinin2, S.M.Shevchenko2, R.I.Kovalenko2

1National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2 Kyrpychova Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine 2National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 94 Chernyshevska Str., 61023 Kharkiv, Ukraine


In this paper, on the basis of data obtained for the deposition of aluminum on steel, the characteristics of the air-fuel detonation technology used for thermal spraying are compared with similar technologies. The measurement data show that the pressure of the detonation products in the airfuel detonation technology reaches 1.68 MPa. The temperature of detonation products varies in the range of 1845 to 2200 K. The comparison was made on coating parameters such as porosity, adhesion, surface roughness and cost. It has been established that the developed air-fuel detonation technology has certain advantages related to porosity and productivity. However, this technological process requires certain improvement to increase adhesion and decrease roughness.

gas-detonation spraying, air-fuel technology, spraying aluminum onto steel.
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