Funct. Mater. 2024; 31 (2): 285-289.


Optimization of the heat treatment processes of porous thermal insulation materials

R. Klimov, І. Sokolovska, О. Hluschenko

Dniprovsk State Technical University, 2 Dniprobudivska Str., 51918 Kamyanske, Ukraine


Experimental data on the influence of various factors on the strength and thermal properties of thermal insulation materials is presented. The dependence of the thermophysical and strength properties on the density of the formed material shows that the lower the density and the higher the initial humidity of the material, the better the properties of the final porous material will be. The porosity, thermal conductivity, and strength of the formed thermal insulation material are influenced by the heat treatment modes of the raw materials. Laboratory studies carried out in this paper make it possible to select the temperature conditions necessary for heat treatment of the materials. The results obtained can be the basis for choosing effective methods for organizing and simulating heat and mass transfer, experimental verification of data, and creating methods for determining the main technical and design parameters of a new material.

strength, thermal insulation material, properties, raw material mixture, drying, thermal conductivity, humidity, temperature regimes
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