Funct. Mater. 2024; 31 (2): 296-303.


Effective functional materials for treatment of water from organic compounds

V.V. Datsenko, E.B. Khobotova

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 61002, 25, Yaroslava Mudrogo St., Kharkiv, Ukraine


The paper substantiates and experimentally confirms the possibility of obtaining copper-zinc ferritic materials from a sulfate copper-zinc electrolyte by co-precipitation in four modifications at a ratio of the initial molar concentrations of the components: ΣMe2+ : Fe2+ = 1 : 2.5. The main stages of obtaining copper-zinc ferritic materials are determined. The possibility of using the synthesized ferrite materials for water purification from organic dyes has been experimentally confirmed. The features and efficiency of using the synthesized ferrites as sorption materials are evaluated. The mechanism of purification of aqueous solutions from organic dyes by ferrite materials has been studied. It has been established that the adsorption process during purification of aqueous solutions from organic dyes by ferrite materials is described by first-order kinetic equations. The adsorption rate of methylene blue and methyl violet is 6 times higher than that of Congo red. Using CurveExpert Professional curve fitting and data analysis, non-linear C02–n dependences were analyzed. A scheme of the method to optimize the process of wastewater treatment from organic dyes by means of copper-zinc ferrite is proposed.

copper-zinc ferrites, composite materials, mineral composition, organic dyes, treatment, cleaning process kinetics, sorption and photocatalytic properties.
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