Funct. Mater. 2024; 31 (3): 320-326.


Optical and structural characteristics of Sm crystals grown by HDC method in Ar+(CO, H2) atmosphere

S. Nizhankovskyi, S. Kryvonogov, A. Kozlovskyi, O. Lukienko, S. Skorik, A.Romanenko, I. Pritula

Institute for Single Crystals, NAS of Ukraine, STC "Institute for Single Crystals" NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 60 Nauki Ave. Ukraine


Yttrium-aluminum garnet crystals doped by samarium ions (YAG:Sm) were grown by the method of horizontal directional crystallization in molybdenum crucible in reducing carbon-containing medium Ar+(CO, H2). Studied were the content and distribution of Sm3+ ions, the spectral, structural characteristics and the main types of defects of these single crystals. There was shown the possibility to obtain YAG:Sm crystals of optical quality with the concentration of samarium ions up to 7. 4 at. %, as well as the coefficient of linear optical absorption equal to 0.015 cm-1 and 6 cm-1 for the pumping and generation wavelengths of YAG:Nd crystals, respectively. Established was the existence of additional absorption bands in the UV and visible ranges caused by the reducing crystal growth conditions and formation of F+- color centers.

samarium, yttrium-aluminum garnet, molybdenum crucible, horizontal directional crystallization
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