Funct. Mater. 2024; 31 (3): 377-380.
Preparation of CdTe thin films using seed method
1Department of physics, college of science, Mosul University, Iraq
2Department of new and renewable energy, college of science, Mosul University, Iraq
3Department of physics, college of science, Mosul University, Iraq
Thin films of cadmium telluride were deposited on glass substrates with different deposition periods (20, 30 and 40 min), the deposition process was carried out using the seed method. The energy gap of the films was calculated, and its value changed inversely with the deposition period from 2.5eV to 1.9eV. The deposition period also influenced on the grain size; the minimum average grain size was about 93.24 nm.
CdTe thin films, optical properties of semiconductors, structural properties of CdTe, chemical bath deposition of CdTe
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