Funct. Mater. 2023; 30 (4): 606-614.
The effect of cerium doping and rate of crystallization on the morphology and microstructure of the Al2O3/YAG eutectic composite
NTK Institute for Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Nauky av., 60, 61001, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Al2O3/YAG and Al2O3/YAG:Ce3+ eutectics (up to 1 at.%) with a Chinese script microstructure were obtained by the method of horizontal directional crystallization (HDC) in a carbon-containing reducing atmosphere based on Ar. The effects of the pooling rate and Ce3+ dopant concentration on the microstructure of the eutectic were studied by the modified chord method. The deviation of the dependence of the characteristic eutectic distance (λeut) on the pooling rate (V) from the Jackson-Hunt model for the Al2O3/YAG eutectic has been established. It was shown that in the range V=5-50mm/h, the relation was satisfied. A change in the pathway for restructuring the structure of the doped eutectic at a certain critical pooling rate was revealed, which may indicate that the development of morphological instability of the crystallization front is carried out as a two-stage process. The conditions for obtaining doped eutectic Al2O3/YAG:Ce3+ of high homogeneity with a minimal characteristic eutectic distance λeut and a minimal difference between the parameters of coarse and fine microstructure have been established. It was shown that increasing cerium ion concentration causes an increase in the structure parameters and its value deviation. Intensive formation of the third phase occurred when the limit of cerium ion concentration was exceeded.
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