Funct. Mater. 2024; 31 (3): 346-350.


Investigation of phase relationships in the 3CuO·B2O3 – ZnO system

L.A. Khalilova, S. İsmayilov, S.İ. Bananyarli

M. Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan


The paper presents the results of studying the interaction between the copper borate and zinc oxide, as well as some physical properties of the intermediate samples. It was established that the studied system is quasi-binary. With a 1:1 ratio of the initial components, the compound 3CuO·B2O3·ZnO is formed in the system, which melts congruently at a temperature of 1253K. Since this compound is a glass former, the system is characterized by the formation of a wide range of glasses. The article also presents studies of the temperature dependence of thermo-EMF for alloys containing x=0.0-20.0 mol% of the ZnO in the temperature range of 573-1233 K. Using the extrapolation method, it was established that the compositions are compensated alloys with semiconductor properties. Within the experimental error, the value of thermoelectric power is close to the value obtained from the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity.

semiconductor properties, thermo-EMF, glasses, electrical conductivity, dielectrics, alloys.
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