Instruction for authors
In the Journal publishes papers, short communications, letters to the Editor, and comments comprising results of theoretical and experimental studies, descriptions of preparation methods and practical use of the wide scope of organic and inorganic materials intended for various functional purposes. Special attention is given to works dealing with problems of obtaining new materials having complex schemotechnical functions. The journal publishes also requested reviews on the actual problems corresponding to its subjects as well as current information, e.g. chronicle, personalia, paid advertising communications, etc.
The Journal topics include:
structure, phase transformations and properties of single crystals, ceramics, composites,
nanocrystals, amorphous solids, liquid crystals, polymers, thin films, and low-dimensional systems (superlattices, heterostructures, Langmuir-Blodgett films, etc.) as applied to materials science problems;
ways to creating new functional materials with preset properties;
modem methods of materials research;
problems and methods of functional materials use in modern technologies.
Communications submitted to Editorial board must be stated in most precise and unambiguous words. The manuscript submitted must contain the authors' estimation of precedent works, the aim of investigation, the original part and conclusions ensuring the understanding of the essence of results obtained and of their novelty. The unjustified use of new terms and professional slang is to be avoided.
To the papers submitted by authors from CIS, the publication permission by the organization where the work has been done must be attached.
The Journal`s working language is English. The papers are to be submitted in English. The Ukrainian original text is to be submitted obligatory for Ukrainian authors.
The whole script must be presented in two copies. All the pages must be numbered. The abstract (up to 0.5 page of typed text) is to be presented in English (and Ukrainian for Ukrainian authors) with the paper title and names of authors.
The volume of short communications and Letters to Editor is up to 4 pages and 3 figures. The Letters to Editor should be accompanied by arguments for prompt publication.
The contents and volume of reviews are to be agreed by authors with the Editorial Board, therefore, the review abstract and structure should be presented in advance.
· The notation and indices conventional in English publications, i.e., only Latin and Greek characters must be used (e.g. Тc instead of Tк).
· References must be listed at the end of communication numbered according to the citation sequence. The reference data must be presented as follows: initials and names of the authors (three if the number of authors exceeds four), the issue name, volume (number) of a periodical, the initial page of the paper cited, year. The references to little-known issues (preprints, deposited papers, theses, abstracts of theses) and unpublished materials are not recommended.
The samples of reference notations:
1. An original source: W.A.Harrison, Electronic Structure and Properties of Solids. The Physics of Chemical Bond. W.H.Freeman and Company, San Francisco (1980).
When a book is reissued in the CIS countries, an additional reference is mentioned, e.g.: W.A.Harrison, Electronic Structure and Properties of Solids. The Physics of Chemical Bond. Mir, Moscow (1983) [in Russian].
2. An original source: S.V.Vonsovskiy, Magnetizm. Nauka, Moscow (1971) [in Russian].
3. C.Viguier, A.Gros, A.Humbert et al., J. Appl. Phys., 68, 2738 (1989).
4. T.T.Basiev, Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 47, 1354 (2005) [in Russian], or in the translated journal version: T.T.Basiev, Phys.Solid State, 47, 1400 (2005).
5. T.E.Konstantinova, in: Proc. All Union Conf. on Martensite Transform. in Solids, Kosiv, Ukraine (1991), p. 394 [in Russian].
6. U.S. Patent 5,861,628 (1999).
The Editors accept the papers in MSWord format; the papers with numerous formulas must be submitted in ТеХ (LaTex 2e).
The figures should not be inserted in the text, the footnotes are undesirable, the tables must be submitted in separate pages. The vectors in text and in formulas are to be denoted by bold Roman symbols (e.g., Px). The formulas are to be numbered sequentially through the text (designations of (2a) type are inadmissible).
Special requirements are demanded to the quality of original figures submitted by authors. The size of plots and photos must be in the range of 7.5x7.5 or 15x21 cm2 (300 dpi resolution). Designations, indices, and dimensionalities convenient in English publications should be used in the figures. Arial font is to be used, 8 pt in the names of axes and 7 pt inside the figures (Photoshop, Photofinish Editor). The coordinate grid within the figure is to be avoided. The scale marks should be directed inwards. The graphic line width is 2 pt, the coordinate axis width, 3 pt (for the Photoshop, Photofinish Editor). The raster images in the tif, pcx formates and the graphs in Origin, CDR, DOC ones are acceptable. Each figure should be presented as a separate file with the Figure numbered (the figures should not to be included within the paper text).
The continuous-tone figures should show high contrast. Xerox copies of photos are not permitted. At the page bottom, each figure should be identified by the authors` names, initial words of the article title, and the figure number. The Editors reserve the right to reject articles having low-quality illustrations.
The full addresses, names, first names and patronymics, office and/or home telephone numbers, fax and e-mails of each authors must be attached to the script as well the author for correspondence should be indicated. The original script must be signed by all the authors.
The Editors sends a proof to the authors that should be returned within 3 days signed by the author with the signature day indicated.
The rejected scripts are not returned to the authors.
Standard layout of paper:
Paper Title
Authors' initials and names
Full name(s) of Organization(s) where the work is done, post address(es) of Organization(s)
1. Introduction, the author goal of original investigations;
2. Experimental procedure (including both the preparation and studying methods);
3. Results and discussion;
4. Conclusions.
Reference list, figures, captions for figures, tables, abstracts each item on a separate sheet of paper.